Senile Biden chasing his tail and President Trump at the border

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On Thursday, Biden will chase President Trump to the southern border — only Biden's second visit to the border in his entire life.

Here's a reminder how Biden botched the border, including details from a scathing Axios report:

INTENT: Biden took office on a promise to dismantle border security — and he followed through. He immediately began “undoing” successful Trump-era border restrictions and instituted a moratorium on deportations. In his first 100 days, Biden took 94 executive actions undermining border security.

INDIFFERENCE: Biden spent the first three years of On Thursday, Biden will chase President Trump to the southern border — only Biden's second visit to the border in his entire life.

Here's a reminder how Biden botched the border, including details from a scathing Axios report:

INTENT: Biden took office on a promise to dismantle border security — and he followed through. He immediately began “undoing” successful Trump-era border restrictions and instituted a moratorium on deportations. In his first 100 days, Biden took 94 executive actions undermining border security.

INDIFFERENCE: Biden spent the first three years of presidency ignoring the border crisis, fearing it would be “a political vulnerability.” Instead, the administration treated the border “like a hot potato” as they relied on far-left “advocates” to craft policy. In public, they denied, denied, and denied — but the border crisis was quickly deteriorating.

INCOMPETENCE: Biden’s “winding process and irritability” — including fits of rage and “fury” — made it “difficult” to address the crisis; “border czar” Kamala Harris made it clear she wanted nothing to do with the issue. Meanwhile, Biden’s point person on immigration didn't even know the “difference between refugees and asylum seekers,” while his top policy advisor called his health secretary a “bitch-ass” and “idiot” over his border response.

Even still, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims they “don’t bear responsibility.”

Biden and his lieutenants willfully and methodically dismantled any semblance of border security — and Americans are paying the price.