Bella Jane the thief.

Had me deposit money for a time slot. Showed up. Had me wait around for an hour and a half. Walked into the room finally. Collected and told me to freshen up. Washed the hands and heard the door click. Last i saw of her. She was gonna fast. Had a guy i think in the parking lot waiting. Black older Yukon suv. Should’ve known, it is what it is. I have the plates number and will look further into it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an eligible review, moved here from Encounter
  • Agog
  • 10-10-2022, 08:09 PM
Your probably lucky; I’ve seen worse.
Too bad you didn't give a link so we know what she looks like
If there is no link How about you go to some of the usual site and do a search for her name.
Agreed that the OP should have included a link. I won't include a link but a quick Google search identifies a Bella Jane that fits the description.
  • Ginks
  • 10-11-2022, 02:41 PM
Decked_Case's Avatar
Man that sucks. But this isn't like getting a wrong order at the drive-thru. There isn't much recourse here that doesn't also bring into question why you were there and what the money was for. Call it a lesson learned, be glad you made it out unscathed, and put it behind you.

Stay safe, my dude.

I had a similar experience once with a provider back around 2001. She was a dancer that got into fake-escort scamming. A couple years later she went legit, went from dark hair to blonde, and had a name change, but kept a REALLY obvious tattoo.

The kick was that she became one of the Omaha area's most prolific providers. I wasn't 100% sure it was her, but I set up a date, and sure enough it was her. I have to admit, I took the donation and ran. As far as I was concerned I'd paid two years prior. She complained about it online, and I was almost tempted to call her out.