Foreign Experience

snowbeard's Avatar
Off to China this week. Lot of ladies advertise on several boards, so will see what my companion (native of the area) can set up for us while there. I'll let y'all know.
Don't forget to send me pics from your trip. You know how I adore your pics.

Travel safe and be careful.
snowbeard's Avatar
Don't forget to send me pics from your trip. You know how I adore your pics.

Travel safe and be careful. Originally Posted by MsElena
Will do! Will be back the end of Oct., but will use the wifi to send you updates.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I love some China doll.
snowbeard's Avatar
An interesting sidelight on the situation. Checked into the room in Beijing and in the bathroom is an assortment of condoms for sale, like a minibar, with no bar. Read in the China Daily that Aids is rising and the majority of cases are resulting form unprotected heterosexual sex, so the government is trying to encourage greater caution.

As I came to Xiamen today, I opened the hotel room and a card drops from between the door revealing two revealing pics of a very lovely lady and a phone number. I can't read the Chinese of course, but this also is a first as teh Cinese are quite strict about any kind of activity of a sexual nature.

This trip is getting interesting-et and interesting-et.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Be careful, we want you to come back as you left and make sure you don't do anything that prevents you from coming back!
snowbeard's Avatar
Be careful, we want you to come back as you left and make sure you don't do anything that prevents you from coming back! Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
I have a well-connected friend who will help me avoid such dangers, should a situation arise. Never fear, I will return.
Quantum007's Avatar
What do you get for punishment over there for hobbying and getting caught by the government 5-0? Bullet in the head, caning? Please try not to find out and be careful!!!
snowbeard's Avatar
No time for hobby activities, but a great massage - and I am not even a fan. I'll describe in detail when I return.

See y'all soon.