Spin Doctor & Image Consultant now open!

Still Looking's Avatar
Gym membership... another innovative idea by the Spin Doctor. He's always thinking of how to help. This was a big hit in Austin so were going to offer it here as well depending on demand.

Following the Spin Doctors lead this might be a good time to share the TEAM SL CAMP BOOTY work out class. I was going to wait till after the holidays to roll this program out but now seems as good a time as any. Spinners, Average Girls need not apply. But if your struggling with your ass to keep your Curvy and Voluptuous labels this might be just for you. BBW'S if you want to get back down to curvy this will be your ticket.

We are currently seeking a centralized location as a venue. We will have music and trainers available M-S 7 am. to 3 pm. You'll be able to shake that booty and just watch the lbs. melt away. As an added bonus TEAM SL will make well know gentleman hobbyists available on a daily basis for both counseling and breast examinations. Yes that includes me. A few of you might even have issues with your kitty. Now I need to be up front about this, none of the staff are gynecologists but we'll certainly take a look.

So now ask your self is this right for me?

1) Have you ever asked this question: "Honey does this tape measure make my ass look big?"

2) Diabetes and heart attack are no way to go.

3) No more going to that store that only has three sizes... Large, Extra Large and OMG It's Moving.

4) Spinners & Average girls are make tons of cash. Tap into that reservoir of money and next thing you know you'll be shopping at the high end malls just like they are!

5) Have you ever bent over at your incall stood up only to find that skinny hobbyist missing. It's no fun finding him in your butt crack dazed and out of breath unable to speak. Eliminate those embarrassing situations.

6) No more time wasted starting ridiculous threADs in COED hoping to get a call. You'll be able to reduce that BIG ASS SIG LINE as well. You'll need a sleek appearance on line to go with that new figure.

So ladies here's your chance. Watch for our grand opening after the first of the year. Normally the cost is $9.95 per day. But if you book early we will offer a $7.00 per day discounted fee. Scholarships are available on a case by case basis.

And remember ladies....we're here for YOU!

Spin Doctor & Image Consultant
Open 24 /7

"We Don't Just Want To Fuck You, We Want To Help"

I'm pretty sure this is an ad. You do know this is COED, right?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Is this suppose to be funny?
Maybe cute or funny in Texas???
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Maybe cute or funny in Texas??? Originally Posted by windowsidiot
Don't know why he is making fun of bbw's, after all isn't everything bigger in Texas!
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm pretty sure this is an ad. You do know this is COED, right? Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
Turns out you can place ads in COED especially if they are funny!

Here is the link:


Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Hey gang, on occasion I've seen staff take action on what is referred to as a "threAD" as though there was actually some sort of rule on this site disallowing it.

Well, there's not....and that's not an oversight.

ECCIE is threAD friendly: what this means is that no staff is to take action against any post or thread that someone considers to be a threAD. Don't move it. Don't point or suspend the poster. Don't warn the member in any way...PM or in a post. If someone RTMs a post referring to it as a threAD, simply let them know that we do not take action on those types of posts and if they want to let the OP know in a respectful way, go ahead.....but again, I do not want any warnings coming from staff unless instructed to do so.

With that said, if the members want to express their distaste on a thread that they feel is blatant advertising, let them...within reason. Just don't let it get out of hand, meaning insults or other violations of forum guidelines.

Thanks for your cooperation,

St. C
Still Looking's Avatar
Is this suppose to be funny? Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Only if you thinck its funny!

Don't know why he is making fun of bbw's, after all isn't everything bigger in Texas! Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
I love BBW'S and also sassy chicks.
Still Looking's Avatar
Come on now. Let's be nice. If you don't like our thread just practice a little self control. There are plenty of other thought provoking hobby related threADS here in Coed. May I suggest the "Go fuck a jar of Mayo" thread.


Where's HuskerMan23???
"Spinners & Average girls are make tons of cash.*"

Jeeze........proof reading is our friend.

Just another uneducated Texas cowchip.
Still Looking's Avatar
"Spinners & Average girls are make tons of cash.*"

Jeeze........proof reading is our friend.

Just another uneducated Texas cowchip. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Cow Chip is one word?
Still Looking's Avatar
I just and checked out all the show cases here in Nebraska. Almost all super hot chicks and not one single BBW...? WTF? This thread might be a waste of time here. Maybe we might need to think about a BBW relocation program. Seems you guys are hurting in that department.
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
My friend, there are plenty of fatties they just dont update there photos they just use old photos. I thought about a slap that ass tuesday where they get on a treadmill but sadly the folks in Nebraska are very uptight and say its mean.
Still Looking's Avatar
HuskerMan23 looking for providers in Omaha, Nebraska?


None of the hot chicks here will wax his ass?
mbinlincoln's Avatar
That's only because Huckerman23 has ended up on everyone's DNS list in Nebraska. Go figure. But he was right about one thing. SL is a post whore. Cross-posting the stuff nobody wants to read in one place in another place.
I'm afraid the OP missed the rather simple humor of my response. I merely regurgitated what he had posted in response to one of GiaBella's postings in this same category.

Well, I tried.