Are you horny, Good Morning, Have A Great Day, Happy Hump Day, Have A Great Week End, Slap Me On The Ass threAD

Still Looking's Avatar
Are you horny, Good Morning, Have A Great Day, Happy Hump Day, Have A Great Week End, Slap Me On The Ass thread

The "Are You Horny" makes this hobby related.

Ok, I'll start...

I want everyone to have a great day! Remember the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and next thing you know it's Christmas and New Years.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Good morning. Its raining out and suppose to start snowing out. Cold weather always makes me horny. If I didn't have to get back home to my dogs I would get my room for another day and stay in bed all day!
Have a wonderful day and for all you up in my neck of the woods, drive safe!
TY, same to you
I hope to. I'm seeing two lovely ladies today and looking forward to a fantastic time.
Yes, Hump x 2 today
The weekend will have to wait.
I plan to have them do that.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
Yawn. Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
Drink some coffee.... and have a nice day!
Still Looking's Avatar
How's the weather in Nebraska? were putting jackets on here in Texas. We only expect a high of 78. Kind of chilly. You guys have a great day!

Happy Thought!
Still Looking's Avatar
Well we have had a lot of rain. Now we are have a COLD spell. We're breaking out the winter cloths. I mean it dropped below 80. Geeeez!

Have a great "ass slapping" day!