Obama lie, or April's Fool Joke ?
“We didn't make a hard sell: We didn't have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did..."
Who spent billions ?

Names please....this stupid claim by Obama shows he is an economic dummy........no wonder he has no qualms pissing away taxpayer money...he has no understand of the meaning of a dollar !
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  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 10:44 AM
who cares, Hillary is high fiving every democrat in the country every time some dumb republitard like you types some stupid Obama bullshit... which is CONSTANTLY


who cares, Hillary is high fiving every democrat in the country every time some dumb republitard like you types some stupid Obama bullshit... which is CONSTANTLY


Right? Note how the arguments regarding repeal and "death spiral" of the ACA are slowly disappearing. Now, the naysayers are picking the bones of their unsuccessful and unrelenting efforts to stop universal healthcare for all Americans....is Whirlytard seriously taking the position that lots and lots of money has been, and for that matter, will be, spent in the effort to gut healthcare reform? Maybe not billions but it is a shitload.....

They've lost, they know it and it sticks in their craw.
.......... Maybe not billions but it is a shitload.....

............... Originally Posted by timpage

You agree Obama lied for no reason in telling us billions were spent in ads against Obamacare; a minor point that he didn't have to lie/exaggerate about.....

So what makes you think he isn't exaggerating the 7.1 million sign up number ???
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Who spent billions ?

Names please....this stupid claim by Obama shows he is an economic dummy........no wonder he has no qualms pissing away taxpayer money...he has no understand of the meaning of a dollar ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

maybe he was talking about the House wasting years voting to repeal ACA 55 times ...

55 times

55 times ... Republicans are THAT STUPID... HIGH FIVE!!

or the Koch Brothers paying them off to keep it up

55 times
No CJ, Obama used the term "commercials"................. so the Congressional actions to overturn Obama aren't counted.....but if you must defend....

This is too fucking funny; even the Obamatrons don't believe Obama....they have to twist and bend like a pretzel to interpret and defend his lies............

maybe he was talking about the House wasting years voting to repeal ACA 55 times ...

55 times

55 times ... Republicans are THAT STUPID... HIGH FIVE!!

or the Koch Brothers paying them off to keep it up

55 times Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 01:28 PM
No CJ, Obama used the term "commercials"................. so the Congressional actions to overturn Obama aren't counted.....but if you must defend....

This is too fucking funny; even the Obamatrons don't believe Obama....they have to twist and bend like a pretzel to interpret and defend his lies............ Originally Posted by Whirlaway


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  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 02:01 PM
as usual the shit blows up in Whirlie's face

I B Hankering's Avatar
as usual the shit blows up in Whirlie's face

You're the one that needs a face cloth, CBJ7.

-Taxpayer money spent building Healthcare.gov: $600 million

-Taxpayer money spent on advertising for the law (a law White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said needed no advertising): $684 million and counting.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-02-2014, 02:16 PM
look on the bright side whirlie ol buddy, IB is here to give your shit covered face a tongue bath

you get to french IB and clean the shit off your lips at the same time ... WIN WIN for both of you !
I B Hankering's Avatar
look on the bright side whirlie ol buddy, IB is here to give your shit covered face a tongue bath

you get to french IB and clean the shit off your lips at the same time ... WIN WIN for both of you ! Originally Posted by CJ7
You can't see the facts because your eyes are plastered shut, CBJ7.

-Taxpayer money spent building Healthcare.gov: $600 million

-Taxpayer money spent on advertising for the law (a law White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said needed no advertising): $684 million and counting.
Keep wiping, CBJ7.
You agree Obama lied for no reason in telling us billions were spent in ads against Obamacare; a minor point that he didn't have to lie/exaggerate about.....

So what makes you think he isn't exaggerating the 7.1 million sign up number ??? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh, I don't agree. I agree with nothing you post you lying sack of shit propagandist. You wouldn't know the truth if it landed on top of your head. Your "truth" is the right wing echo chamber that you rely upon in formulating all of your opinions and every single one of your posts.

All that having been said, I don't know how much has been spent. It might easily add up to in excess of a billion dollars if you count all the political advertisements thrown up by GOP candidates whining about the ACA. Shit, the candidates in Texas might have spent a billion dollars if the number of ads I saw in the last few months is any indication. Every single one of them mentioned Obama and the ACA.

Originally Posted by CJ7
Bwahahahahahahaha, shit that is too funny. Fuck you Whirly. Asshole.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bwahahahahahahaha, shit that is too funny. Fuck you Whirly. Asshole. Originally Posted by timpage
You're the one screwing yourself, Little Timmy-tard. CBJ7's article -- the one your placing your ignorant reputation on -- is almost a year old. Here, Little Timmy-tard, try something a bit more current.
