The Hobby Community

Guest062716's Avatar
A “community” may be defined as a group of interacting people who live in a common location. With community, often come shared intents, beliefs, resources, preferences, needs and risks.

ECCIE is a virtual community, representing the very real corner of our own hobby community, which consists of providers, hobbyists, lurkers (and the significant others of those involved).

As I understand it, the board has, fundamentally, one rule. “Be polite and civil.” Any other rules that may come down the road, I suspect, can be tied back to this basic rule. As such, the rule is a good one, and has served other boards well. This rule is what separates this board from so many others. Most of us have seen boards that are of little value and filled with venom and untruths. “Be Polite and Civil” is a great guideline for a board in which we are free to express ourselves with very little censorship. I would even suggest that you can make any point you wish, as long as it is Polite and Civil (and truthful) and you will never be censored here.

Disagreement is NOT Disrespect. Dissent is NOT Disrespect. Disrespect is Disrespect. We can all “agree to disagree” and we can do so in a manner so as not to be rude (no name-calling, no personal attacks). There are plenty of people here with whom I may disagree. I am certain that there are some people here that disagree with me….. I have enjoyed many a debate in the past years, but have endeavored to do so in an agreeable manner.

When it comes to success in the hobby, I follow one basic rule: “Mutual Trust and Respect”. We providers and hobbyists do have shared intents, beliefs, resources, needs and risks. Some bear a greater burden in each of these areas; however we all have shared interests at times, as none of us are truly living in a vacuum.

If I do something that causes your ATF to go UTR for a while, you are affected. If I talk out of turn about personal info I gained in the hobby and word gets back to others, you may be affected. If I act out on the board, others will see it. None of us are in this alone. Each of us has an impact on other members and future members.

The ECCIE mission statement reads in part that “ECCIE is intended to be a safe haven for the responsible hobbyist and provider…” To me, this implies that membership carries a responsibility and a commitment to adhere to the simple standard.

Most every community or group goes through a “storming and forming” process. That is, in the beginning, there are conflicts and confrontations (the storming). Through this storming and its ultimate resolution(s), the community forms a tighter bond (or in the opposite case, the community dissolves). Storming and Forming is natural and can be helpful. In a free-thinking group such as this, leadership, at times, must be like hearding cats. Some of us sit back and expect the moderators to “weigh in” on everything and to “referee” at all times. I would argue that the mods have their hands full and weigh in when needed, however, as community members, I believe we have the responsibility (we certainly have the right) to speak up when things are awry – to self-censure or self-correct, if you will.

We also have a responsibility to see the community flourish and grow. This means we have to retain new members and a responsibility to set the proper examples for them to follow, if not a responsibility to even mentor the newbies.

I have been away from the hobby community for 8 months. While I am pleased to see new virtual communities rise up where others have fallen, not everything I have read has been encouraging. The economy and the fall of others have taken a toll on the hobby, but more so on the side of the providers. The tone here at times has taken a toll as well.

My personal goal is to enjoy my time here and to be a positive influence on others.

I plan on doing so by following 3 rules:

1) Be polite and civil (and truthful)
2) Practice mutual trust and respect
3) To be more helpful than critical

I want to extend a “Howdy” to my old friends and welcome to the new ladies and gents.

I hope you find this post helpful.

Respectfully submitted,

Yay! I have always loved reading your posts, I'm glad you're here. As for your personal goal, you've always done just that. Thank you for your positivity and contributions, we are all better for having you here.

Great to see you here buddy and I appreciate your post!

Welcome, OS. glad to have you here along with your intelligent posts and insights!

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Yay! I have always loved reading your posts, I'm glad you're here. As for your personal goal, you've always done just that. Thank you for your positivity and contributions, we are all better for having you here. Originally Posted by Austin Liv
Thank you Sarge -- well said.
Roger that!! Sir!!!
Ready2Rock's Avatar
Great to see you here, Sarge!
It is great to see you back! I hope that you are able to stay for a while as I always enjoyed your wisdom.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Great post, Sir.
I like your style, I like your attitude! Well said, sir!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

Disagreement is NOT Disrespect. Dissent is NOT Disrespect. Disrespect is Disrespect. We can all “agree to disagree” and we can do so in a manner so as not to be rude (no name-calling, no personal attacks). Originally Posted by OldSarge

: worthy:
Bingo! Welcome back Sarge!
HOOK'EM's Avatar
As a newbie, (in the hobby), I really appreciate your comments and wisdom. However,
I really wanted to be under TT.