A question for the ladies...

A friend of mine is seperated from her husband and he found out she was in the hobby and has threatened to use it against her. Have you had this happen to you? She only hobbied long enough, less than a year, to help her family and has since retired. He is now using this as leverage for her not to divorce him and to get back together. Any feed back will be greatly appreciated.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
He needs to get the hell over it and shove his blackmail....She was helping the family obviously it was needed or she wouldn't have.....
What a piece of shit. Obviously she couldn't depend on him so she took care of business for her family. If he was all that she wouldn't have left him in the first place.
nuglet's Avatar
Tell her not to worry, the judge in a divorce simply won't care. It normal for divorcing couples to make up all kinds of shit out of spite. The judge knows that and has seen it so much, it's a non event. He could claim she's selling drugs, owns a whore house, doesn't pay taxes and it wouldn't mean a thing to the court.
Thanks Vic I totally agree, she already feels bad about doing it in the first place and then this loser decides to pull this crap....nuglet I suspected as much, she is scared to death of losing her kids.
I was agreeing with everybody else until you said the magic word "kids." If the husband can prove that she was providing, a judge will likely consider that very relevant in a determination of child custody, especially if the kids are young. That doesn't mean she is necessarily going to lose custody because a lot of other factors must be considered, not just her job history. The only real consideration for a court is the best interests of the children, but judges do tend to frown upon all illegal activities and so this would probably be a strike against her. Your friend needs to talk to a good family law attorney absolutely asap.
Chuck I figured that would be true. Guys like this don't deserve to breath. It is a pretty cowardly thing to do and not real sure what he thinks he is accomplishing. I guess he feels owns her now. Yes the kids are young so it is a factor. There is no way she should be punished for doing something she had to do to provide for her family.
Like I said, it doesn't mean she can't get custody. This would just be one factor and there are ways and arguments to deal with it. (For example, the husband can't really believe it makes her unfit to raise the kids or he wouldn't want her back.) Also, he sounds like a prick so he's probably got some warts of his own. A good lawyer will be somewhat expensive, but in this case she should spend the money. Hope it works out for her.
Anyone now any good family lawyers? Not sure where to even start looking. Oddly enough it's sites like this that could actually hurt her, sad really.
i used a guy named felix rippy for my divorce and the wife got abbsolutly nothing even though she was good personal friends with the da and judge of the case. On the down side he was kinda pricey my divorce started at 3g's and ended up costing 6 by the time things were said and done but i didnt lose a thing and dont have to pay any sort of alomony
Maybe she should allege HE was pimping HER out against her will?

Seriously though, it sounded like he was leveraging to keep her, not as leverage to get the kids. Two things: 1) If he considers it that disgusting, why does he want her? May not have discovered real goal or motivation yet. 2) If he considers it so bad, why isn't he going after the kids to "protect" them? Again, what is his real motivation?
Thanks Vic I totally agree, she already feels bad about doing it in the first place and then this loser decides to pull this crap....nuglet I suspected as much, she is scared to death of losing her kids. Originally Posted by malediction
This breaks my heart to hear. I feel very fortunate that I legitimately enjoy my experiences as a companion. To hear about someone who not only doesn't enjoy herself, but feels ashamed as well makes me very sad. I wish it didn't have to be like that for her. It sounds like she needs all the friends she can get at the moment, please keep being there for her.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
What a piece of shit. Obviously she couldn't depend on him so she took care of business for her family. If he was all that she wouldn't have left him in the first place. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Tell her not to worry, the judge in a divorce simply won't care. It normal for divorcing couples to make up all kinds of shit out of spite. The judge knows that and has seen it so much, it's a non event. He could claim she's selling drugs, owns a whore house, doesn't pay taxes and it wouldn't mean a thing to the court. Originally Posted by nuglet
I was agreeing with everybody else until you said the magic word "kids." If the husband can prove that she was providing, a judge will likely consider that very relevant in a determination of child custody, especially if the kids are young. That doesn't mean she is necessarily going to lose custody because a lot of other factors must be considered, not just her job history. The only real consideration for a court is the best interests of the children, but judges do tend to frown upon all illegal activities and so this would probably be a strike against her. Your friend needs to talk to a good family law attorney absolutely asap. Originally Posted by ChuckLumley
Like I said, it doesn't mean she can't get custody. This would just be one factor and there are ways and arguments to deal with it. (For example, the husband can't really believe it makes her unfit to raise the kids or he wouldn't want her back.) Also, he sounds like a prick so he's probably got some warts of his own. A good lawyer will be somewhat expensive, but in this case she should spend the money. Hope it works out for her. Originally Posted by ChuckLumley
i used a guy named felix rippy for my divorce and the wife got abbsolutly nothing even though she was good personal friends with the da and judge of the case. On the down side he was kinda pricey my divorce started at 3g's and ended up costing 6 by the time things were said and done but i didnt lose a thing and dont have to pay any sort of alomony Originally Posted by Kazgra
Maybe she should allege HE was pimping HER out against her will?

Seriously though, it sounded like he was leveraging to keep her, not as leverage to get the kids. Two things: 1) If he considers it that disgusting, why does he want her? May not have discovered real goal or motivation yet. 2) If he considers it so bad, why isn't he going after the kids to "protect" them? Again, what is his real motivation? Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
Thanks for the reply ladies
Nadiya's Avatar
As a single mom who stopped offering GFE and now am FBSM only provider
I am glad I can avoid all that BS!
SOME PPL need to get a life and leave those who have one ALONE!