• SRT-8
  • 07-18-2019, 07:07 AM
So I get back in tow from Denver, take a shower and head to Bucks. About 9:30 ICE shows up and tells ever customer to leave. They ran DL’s on every girl working there and took a few to jail.
BFW seems to be getting a lot of attention lately, and none of it good...
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I got a few texts about it last night. Initial reports were local LEOs, which is at variance with your eyewitness description, but I, too, heard that some women were taken away.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I am sure there is going to be some more hear say about what went down. IF it was actually ICE (OP probably got a look at their uniforms as he exited), then they were obviously looking for illegals and initially got a tip about that.
Missed that by about 45 minutes. (Report on its way) Whew!
Kitty's Pal's Avatar
My friends there tell me it was local cops, not ICE, serving warrants. Turned on the lights, took over the DJ booth and had everyone showing IDs. Maybe six girls were busted, including some Columbians.
I was walking in as they rolled up. It was Ft Worth's finest with some TABC dudes. Hell, as I was walking in, there was a dude stone cold passed out by the curb right across from the entrance door and they completely left him alone. I did not see any of the male customers getting detained, those dudes went straight for the girls.
  • SRT-8
  • 07-18-2019, 10:52 AM
14 girls arrested
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
14 girls arrested Originally Posted by SRT-8
Are you sure it was ICE or are you assuming?
  • SRT-8
  • 07-18-2019, 12:02 PM
One of the girls time me it was ICE BUT looks like a warrant round up
Yeah it was not ICE. I saw some of it on a dancer's snapchat feed.

johnj5888's Avatar
i was in BFW when it happened, the fort worth police are all i saw but i was at the north side of the club. Everyone "customers" was told to close out their tabs and leave. All dancers to the dressing room. Every exit was covered by a LEO and two in each bar it looked along with several on each side. Must have been 15 or more in and around the club. I counted seven FPD cars outside. I saw a man and young lady put into one of the FPD SUV's. I drove away and saw FPD on every external door. BFW has been my go to place but i might have to start looking.

Armed with warrants, officers arrested the women and the six were booked into the Fort Worth Jail on Thursday morning.
Officials with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission also were listed as assisting in the investigation, according to police reports.

Read more here:
Not ice ..FWTPD..6 dancers arrested..
War on sex continues not only by my wife but out in the streets too!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
checking I.D.'s to make sure they arrested the right girls.. may have had a few more to arrest, who were not present.

I remember being in a small FW strip club years ago, just me and about 6 Mexican guys who walked in together.. and a few dancers. Cop comes in after a while, asks everybody to show ID, starting with me (I was closest to him).. I showed my license, he nods, moves to the next guy, and the next.. moments later, all of the other guys had left.. maybe some had valid ID, but when one was booted, they left as a group?

it got real slow after that, so I split myself after 10 minutes.. felt like I had been kicked out.