
I've seen some mixed reviews on this one. Nothing recent though. Anybody seen her recently?

Don't do it.
Damn! More info pls, I was about to make contact.
Look at her reviews. There's a theme. Her pores emanate a scent distinctive to a particular flora, generally jumpy - more like a nervous tick, focused on any donations you may present than any common ground and really not interested in any activities. Voted most likely to bail in graduation photos...from what I heard. There are a few positive reviews, but you can roll the dice.
Too bad.
I used to see her when she started out and then she went bat shit crazy she does a lot of extracurricular activities If you know what I mean
Shockwave369's Avatar
Kay? NO WAY! Pictures are enticing but was disappointed when I finally make it into her room. Based on her paranoia, ghosting and physical build including teeth the extracurricular activities have a hold on her. On a positive note she does have a great little ass!
Thanks for the info...I'd talked to her before about an appointment but hadn't never followed up with her..pics are damn good though.
Thanks for the info...I'd talked to her before about an appointment but hadn't never followed up with her..pics are damn good though. Originally Posted by Deere7210
Pics are old and no longer represent what your going to see in person. Her extracurricular activities have not been kind on her body, face or teeth.
She’s nuckin futs. I tried to meet up, she screwed me around, wasted time, ripped me off, for a few days, but I was persistent because I knew she was real. But then I finally got the date and she just ordered me around to do things her way, but they were bland as F. Then introduced me to the 2 guys that travel with her. I awkwardly talk to them for 10 mins til they develop a man crush and ask me to hang out again. Then on the way out after fixing some stuff for Kay that she had broke, she made some rude ass comment about don’t call her again, just randomly out of the blue unprovoked. All I could think was .... bi+ch I had no intentions of going through this again
Well, thank you guys for the info. Think i am going to follow your advice and stay away from this one.