
Hello all

Been lurking here for a bit but figured I’d introduce myself. I am recently divorced and new to the hobby. Have found plenty of information on here and following a couple providers but have yet to make contact.
Welcome to the board

Don’t give deposits

If it looks too good to be true it prob is

Find a reputable provider and you will be happy !!

Enjoy it and let us know how things go for you
EXACTLY. Give details in the review.
Nicole Bloom's Avatar
I’m newbie friendly and visit the area anywhere between twice a month to once every couple months.
Laney Lixx's Avatar
Welcome to the community, Papi!
Welcome to the panhandle.
Welcome aboard Papi! Good folks here all around!
This guide may help you. It was written with the Panhandle in mind.
Papi - two of the Emerald Coast's legends have reached out. If you can't figure out what to do next - ? I got nothing...
Oh they’re two that I’ve been following on here no worries lol
Handyman63's Avatar
Numerous well documented beautiful and classy ladies in the Pensacola area. Their reviews and reputations are well known. Just don't stray to far off the reservation and you will be well satisfied.

If there was any Justice in this world they would have already erected a statue to pay homage to Laney's personality and skills.

Be thankful you don't live in Mobile.