TRy THAT in a Small Town!

ICU 812's Avatar
Republican Texas AG Ken Paxton is acquitted of corruption charges at historic impeachment trial

This shit might fly in NYC, LA or DC . . .but Austin Texas is a pretty small town by comparison. More to the point: Many of the Texas legislators come from or grew up in a small town.
Let the Purge begin.
ICU 812's Avatar
The "purge" will come to the Texas House of Representatives next year county by county as the home folks figure out just who is on their side asnd who is in it as a Democrat calling themselves a Republican.
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 09-17-2023, 05:43 AM
Not many young conservatives in Texas wanting to be politicians. I don’t blame them. We used to have of generations of conservative families serving but I think we are running out of them. The younger ones went weird
texassapper's Avatar
Nichols, hancock, and Dade Felon all need to go.
ICU 812's Avatar
Nichols, hancock, and Dade Felon all need to go. Originally Posted by texassapper
That may be, but it will be up to the folks back home where they got elected from to make the change.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the guy who pushed this farce, Speaker Phelan? he drinks alot I hear?