Winds of Change...

I think it’s time to ride off into the sunset and put some energy into other things... I enjoyed the site and most of the ladies I’ve met along the way... the few I wish I hadn’t met aren’t really on the site anymore anyway...
I’m glad my last review was of someone that I consider a friend...
Will I be back???? I never say never, well except for that one thing a lady wanted to try.... hahaha

To all the ladies I’ve had fun with, good luck and stay safe...

To all the dudes, good luck measuring up to DonnDiego.... haha pun intended..
Treat the ladies right and they will treat you right....

DonnDiego.... Out.....

Why doesn’t Trump need glasses????
Cause he’s got 2020!!!!!
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
I am right behind you. I’ll turn off the lights. Wishing you safe travels.
sidekick's Avatar
Best of Luck !!!