Thanks. Foot crossing is an option for me. Last I read, there is still a mask mandate in CDMX. Just wondered if it was enforced. I see current videos of Cancer (Quintana Roo also has a mask mandate.) But only about 50% of the people seem to abide by it at night. More wear masks in the day but no one seems to care about those that dont.
Originally Posted by goodman0422
There are a couple of states that request you wear a mask just driving into them (San Miguel), Puebla, however, once you're in town, its about as loose as anywhere else in the states.
No one is doing testing stations at all. You will get your temp checked, you'll have your mask on when you sit down in any restaurant and of course, because you can't catch covid while sitting down, you're allowed to have your mask off. Conveniently, when leaving any restaurant, you don't have to have your mask on either.
Seriously, I've been traveling through out all of this nonsense and by no stretch has Mexico come close to say, Australia, Canada.