Topic:Trump calls for "termination" of Constitution. Where should he and his supporters be held at?

Notice. Not a peep out of our anti-American trumpys. They stand by as their asshole/traitor-in -chief calls for suspension of the Constitution.

I'm thinking about putting trump in Gitmo and his supporters all in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. We could use US model of Japanese interment during WWII. Strip them of all assets, their ability to vote, and execute those who resist.

Suspend the Constitution?

Not sure how all those assholes got into the USA but we'll send them back to the shitholes they came from.

PS Trumpys will answer for their crimes. Thank you for exposing your long hidden hatred for America. Your silence screams guilt.

Question. Aside from his asinine remarks about the Constitution, do you agree with his assessment of the collusion between Big Tech, Twitter, and The Democrats?
Answer. Other than your attempt at hijacking this thread?
As usual, you, trump, and your ilk have no proof.

I wondered who would be the first to remark...I mean show his hatred for America.

Forum rules prevent me from responding to your stupidity in the way I would like to.

Your "god" calls for suspension of the foundation of our country, which you ignore, and you bring up baseless and unfounded claims to defend trump.

How far you have fallen.

Trump is a presidential candidate. This is his position on the Constitution. We won't let you forget you endorse him.

Stay on topic.
Question. Aside from his asinine remarks about the Constitution, do you agree with his assessment of the collusion between Big Tech, Twitter, and The Democrats? Originally Posted by Jackie S
You did not answer my question.

That leads me to believe that you are ok with the collusion between, Twitter, High Tech, and the Democrats,
So let me see, the Twitter release by Elon Musk shows that there was no such thing as Freedom of the Press as guaranteed by the Constitution. So Trump says since the Democrats, Twitter, and the main stream press already ignored the Constitution, why not just take the next step and have a new election or appoint the other person who was armed by it into office. The shredding of the Constitution has already occurred.
Start your own thread.
You could even add links to try and prove your BS.

You did not answer my question.

That leads me to believe that you are ok with the collusion between, Twitter, High Tech, and the Democrats, Originally Posted by Jackie S
HedonistForever's Avatar
So let me see, the Twitter release by Elon Musk shows that there was no such thing as Freedom of the Press as guaranteed by the Constitution. So Trump says since the Democrats, Twitter, and the main stream press already ignored the Constitution, why not just take the next step and have a new election or appoint the other person who was armed by it into office. The shredding of the Constitution has already occurred. Originally Posted by farmstud60

It has but the solution is not to do it again or even suggest it. The solution is to hold accountable those that broke the law and the Constitution but that probably will not happen with the White House press Secy. saying "this is old news, nothing to see here".

And what do the idiots on Twitter have to say, they chastise Musk and those that support his actions for doing the bidding of the richest man in the world and saying nothing of what Democrats, MSM, Big Tech and the FBI did.

This, was exactly what Democrats have been talking about when they say things like "the end of Democracy" because if we do truly loose our 1st amendment right to say what we believe without the interference of a proxy controlled by the government to ban speech they don't like, then YES Mr. Franklin, we will loose this Republic.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It has but the solution is not to do it again or even suggest it. The solution is to hold accountable those that broke the law and the Constitution but that probably will not happen with the White House press Secy. saying "this is old news, nothing to see here". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
So have an election based on false pretenses and do nothing to make it right? That dog don’t hunt. You can bet if it was Trump’s people who did all the cheating that SOMETHING would be done. They’d burn him at the stake in the rose garden and not give a single fuck what the constitution says or doesn’t say.
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2022, 02:21 PM
Question. Aside from his asinine remarks about the Constitution, do you agree with his assessment of the collusion between Big Tech, Twitter, and The Democrats? Originally Posted by Jackie S
What about collusion between Hannity, Tucker and the election deniers?

He'll let's go back to birthers, Trump and Fox News.

The Waco Kid continually brags about FoxNews being number 1....did you not hear about the laptop before the election? I sure the fuck did...was a big nothingburger.

Pray do tell us what is on there so incriminating? Is it like Benghazi? All talk and yet nothing. In fact the GOP shut down the investigation the day after the election.

So please put on your big boy pants and quit crying about the have a Constitution to repeal!
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2022, 02:25 PM
Just so any numbnuts crying about free speech know...Twitter can run itself how the fuck ever it likes.

It is similar to eccie.

Yet there is this group of ignoramuses that think free speech means something that in actuality does not mean wtf they think it means.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So have an election based on false pretenses and do nothing to make it right? That dog don’t hunt. You can bet if it was Trump’s people who did all the cheating that SOMETHING would be done. They’d burn him at the stake in the rose garden and not give a single fuck what the constitution says or doesn’t say. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Do nothing? 60 lawsuits is doing nothing? Nobody and I repeat, nobody should suggest setting aside the Constitution for one man, one case. That's ridiculous.

That's what was done using Trump's voting machine and mail-in argument.

This is a completely different argument, the Twitter argument and what can be done about this, is impeachment. That, to my knowledge is all the Constitution allows. If we want it, the Constitution to say something else, there is a remedy for that.

And if the sides were reversed, there is no reason other than speculation that anything different could be done under the Constitution.
Precious_b's Avatar
What about collusion between Hannity, Tucker and the election deniers?

He'll let's go back to birthers, Trump and Fox News.

The Waco Kid continually brags about FoxNews being number 1....did you not hear about the laptop before the election? I sure the fuck did...was a big nothingburger.

Pray do tell us what is on there so incriminating? Is it like Benghazi? All talk and yet nothing. In fact the GOP shut down the investigation the day after the election.

So please put on your big boy pants and quit crying about the have a Constitution to repeal! Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, there is collusion with the talking heads on foxy and what they cover. Hannity *reporting* on the mistress payoff, railing against the investigation, only to be exposed as being a client of the lawyer doing his own hush payments. Enough to ruin ones credibility.

And to be clear, wacky only yardstick for foxy being numero uno is nielson numbers. Nothing else.

Bengazi was a failure of intelligence. Writing was on wall for over a week.I kept track of the incident from this event. Provided great cover.

And any problems with voting should have all been addressed when the falling chad incident in Florida years ago. Don't have a leg to stand on when you don't bother to change things. Instead the right big response is to supress (sp) voting by various means.
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