I would go broke

LA Man's Avatar
If she were on ECCIE.

http://lafayette.backpage.com/Female...-city/18969991 Originally Posted by Plantman

TOFTT and help her get on ECCIE
TOFTT, review her so guys know she is legit or not, services good or not, rate worth it or not. Doesnt matter if she is on eccie or not, but the information is what matters.
Sorry guys. I'm not a TOFTT kinda guy in this situation.
This one started out on SA. I have yet to pull the trigger with her.
Carguy350's Avatar
This one started out on SA. I have yet to pull the trigger with her. Originally Posted by Jb61801
I thought I recognized her from somewhere.
You would go broke, she robbed Annie.
holmes50's Avatar
You would go broke, she robbed Annie. Originally Posted by Nicolet
See there you go, this board does work. May explain why she is not on here. Actually she does nothing for me.
I see the rip-off queen took her ad down. Hmmm I wonder who was the rat who alerted her??
Wouldn't trust this girl at all...But hey what do I know lol?? TOFTT at your own risk, but don't say you weren't warned about her...
annie@christophers's Avatar
Probably just gave that piece of shit more attention and therefore money then she deserves. It SHOULD work this way unfortunately it doesnt anymore. No matter I have kids...actually in this case it was so MUCH MoRE. Yet MY alerts I got probably more attention. I really wish it was old days where agents called each others. Even if not liked they stood together. Frency saved me so many times (while pointing out exactly HOW HE himself fucked me.lol : he always made me get mine. I dont know why those ones liked me. I ponder sometimes. Alas...it's different. And I dont trust scumbags. Or maybe now im that elder? Scary. The goat should come back. Xxoo ann p.s moral of story is she not only stole ..she did it on purpose. Laughed ..left..fuck her and the horse she rofe in on...