Interested in taking new photos...?

Okay both clients and providers alike I need advice. I am coming up on just under a year of my current photos and am thinking I should definitely get some new ones although the only change on me is my hair color lol.

1. Should I take new photos?

2. Do you know someone who does good photos for free or in exchange of services?

3. Any ideas of clothing or poses I should try?

4. Clients: What turns you on to a provider in their photos?

Hey Rebecca,

I like the photos you have. If you want new ones, get them. Easy enough to do in today's digital world; but again, I really like what you have.

As a whole, you'll find clients generally divided on the "professional vs. casual" photo issue. Some like the pro, posed shots. Personally, I like the amateur shots. So it's really a matter of preference.

Most men will probably agree that they tend to prefer shots that they can "superimpose" themselves into. For example, while a shot of you hanging over the railing of your apartment balcony is nice and men enjoy the visual, it's harder for them to see themselves with you there than it is on a bed, a chair, a couch, etc. Some may disagree with this point but as I say, we probably all do it at least subconsciously.

As far as clothing, you'll probably get no consensus there either. Men like different things. Some like outfits, some like lingerie, and some (like me) love the denim and t-shirt look with the "peek-a-boo" flash of flesh. Again, preference, preference.

But you're existing shots are tasteful. No doubt your new ones will be as well.

All the best.
keep photos updated and a good mixture of pro and casual to keep both houses happy
It's always a good idea to keep your pics current (every 6 months or so) and don't try to hide anything in them. I'd like to see you in one of the gangbangs you've been wanting.
I am a photographer that will take care of you..I guarantee your happiness with the final images.

PM for me links!