Provider Advice for New Providers in the Welcome Wagon ?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
It's not just me, but many of us hobbyists have noticed that many new Providers have joined Eccie through the WW at 300 USD + rates and above.

From my point of view, I'm kind of nervous about paying 3 Benjamins to someone who hasn't built or proven or established their brand name and hobby reputation yet, and not knowing what I'm going to get. Will it be a good session? An okay session? A non - GFE session? A terrible session? A NCNS? Or maybe she is a beautiful sexy lady cop just waiting to arrest me? I'm taking a risk you know ... when seeing a lady with no reviews. Providers face a similar risk when meeting a newbie hobbyist .. who has no reviews at all or hobby okays either.

Would well established Providers suggest to these new ladies ...

... To begin at an initial lower introductory rate (for example 225 USD to the first lucky 5) , steadily building a loyal customer and fan base and proving that they can do it, before asking for a higher rate (like 300 - 500 USD) ?

... Start as high as the stars, 1000 USD and above, and as soon as the Flavor of the Month effect goes away ... they reduce their rate down to the 275 - 500 USD range and advertise that they are cutting a special deal to everyone (for example : I was 1000 per hour when I first started and now I'm available at a third or half the cost").

... To start in the middle range (250 - 350 USD) and build a loyal customer and fan base, and offer specials every now and then.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I always offer Personal Advice over "PM", having had many years of experience in this Hobby. An open recommendation is to NOT take every flirtation (game) as an "I'll see you" AND set your Donation amount away from the WalMart shoppers. If you Choose to run a Review Special, don't place it so low that you won't rebound from it Half the time I feel bad in WW seeing the ....
citizen44's Avatar
set your Donation amount away from the WalMart shoppers.. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
So the hobbyist paying lower than your hourly rate are just a bunch of plebes and the providers charging less than your rate are a bunch of common blue collar WalMart goods? Heh, I love when hookers get snobby.
LexusLover's Avatar
When I can pay 30% less for the same brand item at Walmart, ..

.... I will get it at Walmart. IJS

Now, back to the Hooker Board discussion.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
In place of sweet baby Tebow I'll be using the usual Jesus fucking Christ with a glass dildo....

Even I know you don't go around offering unsolicited pricing advice.
The pricing issue is something that's subjective, but...

I've always thought a new (unknown) provider should come in with as low of a rate as they're comfortable with. Then as they build reviews and establish a good reputation then they can gradually increase their rate. It's all up to them. From a hobbyist's perspective, if there was a choice in paying 300 for a new (unknown) provider and 300 for a known provider that has reviews and a good rep, I'm going with the known one everytime.
  • Sonya
  • 08-21-2014, 06:50 AM
So OP how is your risk lower by the newbie charging less?
boardman's Avatar
Fucktard logic...
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
So the hobbyist paying lower than your hourly rate are just a bunch of plebes and the providers charging less than your rate are a bunch of common blue collar WalMart goods? Heh, I love when hookers get snobby. Originally Posted by citizen44
The question was asked, I answered. My opinion, My personal business strategy. It works for Me. Price is about Supply and Demand. A Business Decision. Not everyone utilizes this board and are doing just fine. This board is good for helping with the weeding process. Especially when seeing activities on reviews and things that are done that I don't consider safe (such as SS) and I stop accepting that person as a Reputable Reference. My Pussy, My Decision.
Well thats what i did when i first came here. I slowly built a client base and afterwards i built a certain reputation that had to be based on my services and skills, and from there you can base your rates off of certain feedback. Everyone is different but thats how i did it.

Also i do continue to offer specials. But to not get certain peskys i still set it at a firm rate, but low enough to accommodate some who can pay at a certain price point.
poppy71's Avatar
They charge what they want and see who they want and we pay to see who we want and if the rates are not in your comfort zone then move on. If their menus are limited or too many pile on or GPS sinks in then I just roll on to the next one.
Taurus99's Avatar
It's your money, spend it however you want. The providers are going to charge however much they want. If you don't like the price or something else about the provider then just move on. There are plenty of others out there to see.

So OP how is your risk lower by the newbie charging less? Originally Posted by Sonya
As far as money is concerned, I think he is saying that he would be out less cash at a lower price should the session turn out bad.
As far as money is concerned, I think he is saying that he would be out less cash at a lower price should the session turn out bad. Originally Posted by Taurus99
^^ that's not my problem.

I wish a mofo would tell me what to set my rate at. That would be one for the record books.

We're supposed to give newbies unsolicited business "advice" so you can get poon at a low introductory price?

Sounds legit...

WTF is this board coming to?
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
So OP how is your risk lower by the newbie charging less? Originally Posted by Sonya
The risk is the same, you never know if the newbie Provider is legit or if it's a police sting in progress or some weird perverted psycho or rapist dude posing as a newbie provider lady with sick deviant intentions on their mind. The WW is kind of like what Forrest Gump said ... "Life or the WW is like a box of chocolates ... you never know what you are gonna get".
I don't see many newbies, I prefer to see the well established ladies and the providers who become the rising stars. I know that when I see these ladies, they gonna treat me well : )
Fancyinheels's Avatar
As far as commercial economics go, the third option the OP offered, "To start in the middle range (250 - 350 USD) and build a loyal customer and fan base," is probably the most practical and public-relations friendly option of those offered. The choice to "offer specials every now and then" is subjective, with both good points and bad attached.

Sometimes being in the middle of the road is the safest place to be. It's all about customer perception, and for those with little experience in provider supply and demand, launching a product that has neither "bargain" or "top shelf" attached to it may be the best strategy until the unavoidable hard lessons are learned and proper placement has been decided.