Is it fair to ask a Provider to show proof of age?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just wondering what everyone thinks of a hobbyist politely asking a provider for proof of age. The Lawrence Taylor incident perhaps is more common than we think and there maybe many incidents where hobbyist unknowingly may have had a session with an underage female. There was actually one well known provider on ASPD that is on a hiatus that actually was a provider when she was 16 going on 17. If you hobbyist were on ASPD you would know who I am talking about because it was a big fiasco about it on ASPD. Also, there was another provider from NY that worked with a former well known provider that was underage. I take none of this lightly because the law is not friendly on statuatory(sp) rape.
So do you think it's off base if a hobbyist ask a provider just to show proof of DOB- I wouldn't care if she covered up her name but as long as their was a legit document that had a true DOB. Let's face it guys/gals there are plenty of 15 and 16 years who are developed and with the right amount make up can easily pass for 18 and up.
ANONONE's Avatar
Good Luck with that. . .

Spikebaby's Avatar
I would be curious to hear how old you are?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I would be curious to hear how old you are?

Originally Posted by Spikebaby
old enough to be sent away if with an underage person. Why is this is an odd request? Don't Providers have the right to screen for their safety and to make sure hobbyist aren't LE or some crazed bozo out to harm them? So it's ok if a provider wants screening and reference(s) but if we see a girl who might be borderline catching a charge we shouldn't ask? If Lawrence would have done his homework and asked a question instead of taking the girl's manager's word he wouldn't be in a heap of crap that he is now- just my 2 cents.
I just hope this doesn't happen to anyone
In fact there's this review that's not even a week old of a new provider and the hobbyist mentioned that he questioned the girls age, but another provider who introduced the newbie to the business told him that she was 18 and to take her word for it- you never know guys.
If she looks TOO young, then she probably is. If you really want to see her and have doubts, ask her and see how she responds. Her response should give you your answer.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If she looks TOO young, then she probably is. If you really want to see her and have doubts, ask her and see how she responds. Her response should give you your answer. Originally Posted by reese foster
Thank you Reese- very good sound advice.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Hell yes!

Prostitution is a bitch but only a misdemeanor.

Paying for anything sexual with anyone even a day under 18 is a FELONY!

If she looks young, ask her to cover her real name and address but you need to see a birthday.

I'm more than willing to show my id if any escort asked given I can hide my full real name and address also.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I met a utr newbie provider who told me she had just turned 18. When we met, she voluntarily showed me her I. D. Sure enough, 18yo. I cautioned her on showing her real name, etc to anyone. Online (before we met), I had also advised her on email addy, and other precautions to take.

If I were to think about meeting someone who I thought might be under age, I'd let her know up front that I would have proof of age or we wouldn't be meeting. If that became a deal-breaker, so be it. Other ladies available who are obviously over 18 and well-known. I remember Traci Lords had a fake I.D. when she got into the Porn industry.

So you can never be 100% sure.

I'd rather be too cautious.

If for some reason I actually met a girl that appeared (looks, the way she talked or other clues) less than legal, I would try to find out more about her situation. A desperate run-away, a human trafficking victim or whatever.
stevesanderson's Avatar
Many providers turn to their profession because they can't get real jobs since their ID has been revoked by the state. And don't believe that "anyone" can just go and get an ID - the state can decline to give you one because that keeps you from getting on a plane or going out of country.

You're not going to see many IDs.

But you will get:
"ohh, I left it in my friend's car."
"it's in my other purse"
"ohh it's around here somewhere"

And the eye candy will be such that most men cannot resist.

So make your choice. DFW is rampant with many, many providers that will land you a felony. While your provider may be legit, the girl you never saw in the other room may be studying for a test tomorrow.

We are playing in a dangerous hobby. LE doesn't really give a shit about escorts who are minors. As a matter of fact, they just catch-and-release them. No save-a-teen programs, no children-of-the-night. They don't care.

That is, they don't care until they find YOU with one. But are you strong enough to walk when given a 100 dollar special from a real looker who left her ID in her other purse?
flexywun's Avatar
if you're gonna cut it that close age-wise you better be doggone sure.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
IMO I think it is ok to ask for some proof.

I've done it.
I once had this "freshly turned 18yr old" come to me for a date.
When he stepped inside he looked so young that it made me feel very weird. So I asked him if it was ok for me to see his ID. I told him to cover his name and address with a finger...
Lo and behold, he had turned 18 the day before..

To be honest I felt kinda gross every time I looked him in the face (he had a soft baby face), but thank goodness his package was "full grown"

But, of course, this is just my $.02.

~Genesis Nicole~
Lana Warren's Avatar
I don't see why not! I get carded every time a gentleman comes to see me.............I don't look a day over 16!
fake id's are readily available, no need to take the risk.
I have hired five or six people this year with very real looking documentation only to find out the ssn didn't match or was invalid.

besides, don't women hit their sexual peak after 30?
Spikebaby's Avatar
YES WE DO!!!!!
Redsan's Avatar
You guys can have the young teeny boppers.
I prefer older well reviewed providers not only
for the age thing but you always have a better
time. Experience does go a long way.