How could he not fire Comey

I don't like Trump, but how could the president of the United States not fire an FBI director who:

1) Selectively documents every conversation he has with the president(who he works for), but didn't in the previous administration.
2) Actively avoids interacting with the president(who he works for).
3) Publicly shows utter disdain for the president(who he works for).
4) Has so corrupted the investigative process that there is mutiny in the ranks of the FBI of all political persuasions.

Comey would have been a hero if he would have quit before Trump was inagurated. He is now officially a Jackass, with demonstrated incompetence as a person who has a clear agenda. That agenda was to fix what he perceived the result of the path he was forced to follow in dealing with the Clintons. The fact that he had to call off an investigation after the head of the DOJ had a 30 minute private conversation with the Hillary's husband clearly ate into is soul.
He was a political hack he deserve to be fired
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  • 06-08-2017, 02:03 PM
Jesus...had Trump fired him BEFORE he asked Comey to lay off may have a point.

Trump thinks he is the Godfather.

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  • 06-08-2017, 02:04 PM
He was a political hack he deserve to be fired Originally Posted by gary5912
A political hack for who????
rcinokc's Avatar
Jesus...had Trump fired him BEFORE he asked Comey to lay off may have a point. Originally Posted by WTF
So, an employee is disgusted by his current boss, and loved his previous boss. He undermines his current boss in subtle, and unsubtle ways. He admits, under oath that he doesn't respect him.

Did Comey admit that to Trump early? It was true from the get-go.

Did he tell him he wasn't comfortable in his presence?

Comey could have been a hero, and has exposed himself as a hack. Why didn't he reiterate that the wikileaks Clinton email source was not Russia(by his own statement)? Because he is a hack.

What ought to be the end effect of that behavior?
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  • 06-08-2017, 02:35 PM
Jesus...both sides have hated Comey. Which probably means he is not the hack, you are.

I thought he sounded like a disgruntled employee. And he should have been fired. I am happy he came out publicly regarding Clinton twice prior to the election. But for that alone, the winner, Trump or Clinton should have canned his ass.
Why do you suggest I hate Comey. I don't wish him harm, unlike your list of perceived "enemies".

I am making the point that Comey failed by not quitting. The utter disrespect he had for his boss was essentially unconstitutional and thoroughly disgusting.

The FBI is an agency of the Executive Branch. It answers to the President. If you don't like that fact, you ought to move to somewhere without a constitutional form of government where the executive has to power to enforce its "good" on all those it opposes(the kind of government that Hillary Supporters strove for).

Trump is a jerk. You all(Hillary Supporters) are fascist. The jack-booted hate-filled thuggish kind.
I would rather have a Jerk for a president who was held in check by the constitutional form of government than a Fascist, who believed that the ends("the good") justify the means.
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  • 06-08-2017, 02:51 PM
I would rather have a Jerk for a president who was held in check by the constitutional form of government than a Fascist, who believed that the ends("the good") justify the means. Originally Posted by kehaar
Unfortunately there is no difference ... sadly you will find that out to late.

Hopefully Mattis was right to quote Churchill regarding Americans
bamscram's Avatar
He was a political hack he deserve to be fired Originally Posted by gary5912
You were kissing his ass retarded lenny when he was trashing Clinton's emails.
I also loved it when he was trashing Hillary's emails. Does not mean he should not be fired.

I wish someone would break Steph Curry's fucking legs. Doesn't make it right if they do. Just means I would enjoy tomorrow night game more.

You were kissing his ass retarded lenny when he was trashing Clinton's emails. Originally Posted by bamscram
Unfortunately there is no difference ... sadly you will find that out to late.

Hopefully Mattis was right to quote Churchill regarding Americans Originally Posted by WTF
The only fascist behavior I have seen so far has been by Hillarites.

Wanna sing at the inaguration? You will be pilloried and black listed by the "intelligencia"

Wanna make a speech agreeing with the current president. Mace and mayhem Galore.

Wanna disclose privileged/secret intelligence with the specific intent of causing political damage. You go girl! We have your back.

Hate filled one sided news coverage. That is not propaganda!

A Billionaire who stole his money by extorting nation in the currency markets makes a vow to make the administration's time in office ungovernable, and puts his extorted money where is mouth is. Oh, heck ya. That is a great idea.

Wanna use the internal revenue service to target groups you don't like. Why not!

Hillarites are Fascist to the core. Those fascist have permeated all areas of the bureaucracy.

Trump can't do anything unconstitutional because everyone is skeptical of him, and on guard. Hillary would have been set free to do whatever she wanted, and no one would have said anything(look at the history of skepticism under Obama).

The fact you all don't see that is specifically what makes you all fascist.
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  • 06-08-2017, 03:15 PM

Hillary would have been set free to do whatever she wanted, and no one would have said anything(look at the history of skepticism under Obama).

The fact you all don't see that is specifically what makes you all fascist. Originally Posted by kehaar
If you think Hillary would have been able to do whatever she wanted with a GOP House and Senate shows how little you know about politics and what a hack you are.

You are no different than a rabid Clinton supporter.
