The Great Negotiator Fails Again

themystic's Avatar
No Korea Deal
No Mexico Wall
No Insurance Reform
No Infrastructure

Donald: " Nancy can I Please Have Money for my wall? Mexico wont give it to me. They told me to go Fuck myself"


Donald: " Kim Jong will you get rid of your Nuclear weapons? Ill help you have great economy" I want a Nobel Prize like Obama"

Lapdog's Avatar
Great negotiator, my ass. This orange son of a bitch could't sell a starving millionaire a ham sandwich.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Trump (individual 1 ) knows very little about business. He was so brilliant he bankrupted a Casino. He had to start a fake university and charity to scam people. His dad gave him 550 million. He is a narcissist that has to lie constantly and his followers just laugh about it. He lies 18 times a day on average. So far he has told over 9000 lies.

Individual 1 was trying to build a tower in Moscow during the 2016 campaign . He has proven to be Putin's bitch. You notice he has said nothing bad about Putin.

Before anyone says Trump has been hard on Putin because of sanctions. Congress is the one that imposed the sanctions and Trump fought to put them in place because he didn't want to make Putin mad.
By succeeding I take the President should have let Kim have his way, which was US lifts all sanctions and Kim dismantles just one nuclear facility.

The President said no.

That’s negotiating. Caving would be to fall for Kim’s stunt.
themystic's Avatar
By succeeding I take the President should have let Kim have his way, which was US lifts all sanctions and Kim dismantles just one nuclear facility.

The President said no.

That’s negotiating. Caving would be to fall for Kim’s stunt. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I guess the blowhard isn't going to get a Nobel Prize. He hasn't done a fucking thing in the USA or abroad. Yeah tell me about the judges he appointed. Most everyday Americans don't give a fuck about who the Judges or SCOTUS are, You probably couldn't name five of them and you are politically involved. Trump is a moron and a failure
I guess the blowhard isn't going to get a Nobel Prize. He hasn't done a fucking thing in the USA or abroad. Yeah tell me about the judges he appointed. Most everyday Americans don't give a fuck about who the Judges or SCOTUS are, You probably couldn't name five of them and you are politically involved. Trump is a moron and a failure Originally Posted by themystic
I hope you are right and most Americans do not care who our President puts on the SCOTUS and the major federal judgeships.

Then he can put extreme right wingers throughout the judiciary to counteract the commies Beto is going to put in charge if he wins the Presidency.
themystic's Avatar
I hope you are right and most Americans do not care who our President puts on the SCOTUS and the major federal judgeships.

Then he can put extreme right wingers throughout the judiciary to counteract the commies Beto is going to put in charge if he wins the Presidency. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Hello Brother. I really don't mind about the judges and the SCOTUS and the Federal judges. In a way its good that they are there to keep things half way straight. But when you really look at what Trump has done its been very little. And his foreign policy has been a disaster. Frank Zappas post is dead on the money
themystic's Avatar
Trump (individual 1 ) knows very little about business. He was so brilliant he bankrupted a Casino. He had to start a fake university and charity to scam people. His dad gave him 550 million. He is a narcissist that has to lie constantly and his followers just laugh about it. He lies 18 times a day on average. So far he has told over 9000 lies.

Individual 1 was trying to build a tower in Moscow during the 2016 campaign . He has proven to be Putin's bitch. You notice he has said nothing bad about Putin.

Before anyone says Trump has been hard on Putin because of sanctions. Congress is the one that imposed the sanctions and Trump fought to put them in place because he didn't want to make Putin mad. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Thanks Frank. Probably the most concise to the point post I've seen on Trump. Im going to borrow this from you. Ill give you the credit
lickidyclit's Avatar
You forgot to mention that Cohen's testimony is fake,because he is a convicted liar,the hush money payment cancelled checks are fake, and he didn't sign them, the emails dumped on Hillary don't count because his son did that not him,poor guy,everybody's against him except Kellyann!
Most everyday Americans don't give a fuck about who the Judges or SCOTUS are, Originally Posted by themystic
Interesting though that about 70% of voters in NBC's exit polls and 67% of voters in CNN's exit polls for the 2016 POTUS election rated the SCOTUS appointments as either their top priority or one of their main priorities in voting.

And it's your opinion Trump has done little.

The SCOTUS and judiciary was my top priority and so far "mission accomplished".

Getting rid of much of Obama's burdensome "pen and phone" regulation was my second priority. In process but easily headed toward "mission accomplished".

Tax review was my third priority. While I'm not completely happy with how it all came about, "mission attempted and partially implemented".

Other priorities certainly in progress like pulling out of Paris Accord and Horrible Iran deal.

While you say he hasn't done a lot, he's undoing much of Obama's legacy.

The healthcare mandate wasn't even on my priority items, but I agree good thing removed. Mission accomplished.

And this in roughly two years.

All you guys are doing is slinging personal attacks at Trump. His performance and policies have been largely spot on, but carry on the bashing and hating.
Remember when President Reagan walked away from Gorbachev in Iceland, got back on the plane and left him standing in the snow. It wasn't long after that the great utopian SocialistThugocracy called The Soviet Union collapsed.

This was President Trump's "Reykjavik Moment".
The door is still open on this, mystic. You know it, I know it, and so does Trump and Kim. Rome wasn't built in a're smart enuff to know what that means, right?

Now had Trump walked away with a signed deal (ie: Kim agrees to completely de-nuke 100% starting TODAY) that wouldn't be enuff for you, would it? You'd poopoo it and claim it's all a mirage and that Kim has no intentions of making good on said deal.

It's amazing....unless it's all a ruse on your part (and I don't think it is) the hate you spew for this man runs so deep; it doesn't seem to matter what he accomplishes for the citizens of this great nation.....for you and others nothing will ever be good enough. Considering what we think we know of you, kinda tough to deny that, isn't it?

Here's the bottom line: at least we're seeing the ball move forward per NoKo, Kim, and (hopefully / inevitably) peace in that part of the world. Dialogue, albeit no signed agreement(s) coming from said dialogue this time around, is better than what we ever saw from Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc....

Quick story, if I may....

I coached my son's Little League team many years ago and that experience remains one of my fondest memories that he and I shared while he was a youth. Fast forward, he's a businessman today and is already far more successful than I was at his age. The reason I make mention of this is he (still) reminds me of a cliche' I repeated often to him and his teammates during practice and games: "No one ever in the history of baseball ever got a sitting in the dugout". He's told me he's used that simple adage in his business often enough to know it's an absolute.

It's "safe" to stay on the sidelines and never, ever try. However if you want to be in the game and help your team win, ya gotta go up to the plate and take a few hacks at it. Take advantage of opportunities when they're presented to us.

As any fan knows, no one bats a thousand. There's gonna be slumps and setbacks along the way. But if you stay focused and don't let the fear of failure eat at you from within, you'll usually end up getting what you want in the long run.

For Trump, Kim, and the rest of the world, we're only in the second inning of this game. Too early to call this one.....lotsa ball left to play before this one's determined.
bambino's Avatar
I wonder if Kim’s train has enough fuel to get back home? Obama would have given him a jet stuffed with $150 million.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Remember when President Reagan walked away from Gorbachev in Iceland, got back on the plane and left him standing in the snow. It wasn't long after that the great utopian SocialistThugocracy called The Soviet Union collapsed.

This was President Trump's "Reykjavik Moment". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sometimes you have to pump the brakes and walk away.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like the Orange Sphincter was/is living in fantasy land with Kim.

Maybe he should have read his briefings and listened to his intel community.

But nooooo.... he had to get out of town (for obvious reasons). DOTUS should have taken Dennis Rodman Wih him!