Apparent robbery at Sky Spa
Wow what dirt bags.
How'd they get through the door with masks on. They have to have face shots of the guys.
The woman told police she was letting a customer out of the business when two men wearing masks pushed their way inside.
Is who ever was hurt okay? Has anyone been to see if they are all doing alright?
Omg. This explains it. I been calling for two days trying to find out what the current line up is with no answer. I hope this doesn’t have long term affects. Hopefully whoever got attacked is ok.
bambino's Avatar
Last time I was there they required masks. They gave me one because I didn’t have one. But that was a year ago. Asians still wear masks. Just take a drive thru Oakland. You’ll see several wearing them.
I know the person who she ran to. He said the lady was badly beaten and strangled. One of the people she ran to was a nurse - they thought she may not survive ☹️
tsinyar.. she did survive and has been released from hospital. channel 11 had a bit about an arrest last night that they think he was connected to the robbery.
eyecu2's Avatar
A simple search shows a person who is well known to pgh police for multiple priors. Hardly a model citizen, in fact a durge of society.

If ever there were some interested triad's around, it would be of no surprise for them to sort this individual out.
Too much common sense there, you have Chicago dismantling shot spotter because AI is supposedly racist and Allegheny county is more supportive of criminals rights instead of taxpayers safety. Common sense is lost, if a bad person commits a crime, it’s always someone else’s fault. It’s really F’d up society in a lot of big cities now
bambino's Avatar
Too much common sense there, you have Chicago dismantling shot spotter because AI is supposedly racist and Allegheny county is more supportive of criminals rights instead of taxpayers safety. Common sense is lost, if a bad person commits a crime, it’s always someone else’s fault. It’s really F’d up society in a lot of big cities now Originally Posted by nomad1000!
Exactly. Why were these thugs on the streets? It’s getting worse by the day. Is Sky still open?
I stopped by on Friday and it was not open.
VR6MK2's Avatar
A simple search shows a person who is well known to pgh police for multiple priors. Hardly a model citizen, in fact a durge of society.

If ever there were some interested triad's around, it would be of no surprise for them to sort this individual out. Originally Posted by eyecu2
This is the best way for this to go, I am a BIG fan of this type of individual getting handled off the books. The ‘justice system’ isn’t going to do squat. And I wonder about something…a conspiracy theory of sorts; I have the thought in the back of my mind this type of action was planned by individuals on the LE side in an attempt to scare the individuals working here. They have a person who is in trouble already, and make an off the record deal if he does what they ask. Is this what happened? Can’t answer that, but does it happen? Absolutely.
eyecu2's Avatar
I don't know about this as sending a message, as that sounds more the the Equalizer type of thing. Also- I'd say there would be someone around receiving and envelope of sorts when a visit from LEO would be tentative, and nobody wants to miss out on that: price of doing business. So that said, violence to these mamasans is out of bounds in my opinion, and the perpetrator(s) should meet a similar fate- if there is anything such as Karma or a protector of sorts.

my 2 cnts.