Harry Reid - Biggest Idiot Ever?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Senior citizens love junk mail. It's their only connection to the outside world. Therefore we must pass the postal bill, allowing the USPS to access federal retirement funds to keep themselves open.


He may not be the biggest idiot to ever hold a Senate seat, but he has to be in the top 5.

Ozombies AMAZE and REEK at the same time.
Harry Reid is the Sheila Jackson Lee of the Senate.
Harry Reid is the Sheila Jackson Lee of the Senate. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Except he's in control. Could you imagine if she had power of the house?
Want to here something scary. That stupid moron bitch is in a district that is made up of 80 percent of those that "vote for a living". That means she has no opposition, and she has the seat for as long as she wants it. If the dems ever get the House back, one of these days that "epsilon minus semi-moron" could be Speaker of the House.

The horror. The horror.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey Shameless Jackass Lee is my CONGRESSWOMAN
I know I should mover but my bunker is located in the heart of a Democrat stronghold and they think I am that crazy old white dude that wont move out of the neighborhood.
Hey we have real low crime here, there is nothing worth stealing.
The lowest numbers of Mercedes stolen, the lowest number of people being jacked for their Rolex's, the only issue is all the malt liquor cans that stck up; at the intersections but they make great reflectors since we dont have any strreet lights.
Yep she takes good care of us here in the hood.
Saves me a lot of money gutting front end alignments since it is just a waste cause the roads are so bad.

The fact of the matter is the USPS is the only government agency that is required to fully fund their pension each and every year. This is the primary reason that they lose money next to the fact that the vast majority of the postal workers are a bunch of lazy ass bastards working down to the lowest common denominator. Unions will do that for you and keep you fro getting fired too.