The new flu season

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
How come Cuba isn't on the map

Does Gruber want the U.S. voters to believe folks don't get sick in Cuba?
Spread from all the illegals coming through Texas and migrating north.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where's the ebola map?
I expect an outbreak of blue flu in NYC.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to Sharyl Attkisson, the CDC is currently monitoring 1400 possible exposures to ebola. That means 1400 people around the country who may have beeen exposed to someone with confirmed ebola.
Here is one you never heard about. No name is given so it is next to impossible to do a follow up. Concidence?
SEE3772's Avatar
According to Sharyl Attkisson, the CDC is currently monitoring 1400 possible exposures to ebola. That means 1400 people around the country who may have beeen exposed to someone with confirmed ebola.
Here is one you never heard about. No name is given so it is next to impossible to do a follow up. Concidence? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's just like Japan and radiation... corporate news just stopped reporting.
I guess to most if the so called credible news (who are known liars) does not report then it doesn't exist... I guess now that FOX is reporting then it's legit.
If myself and others read articles daily about Ebola I'm pretty sure they do also. If you or anyone who reads this wants info about Ebola this site has daily
updates. There's also a page on the site updated everyday about Japan and radiation. Or... I know, most will prob do what their best at around here...
fart and call it a conspiracy theory... etc.

And there is this on Infowars from Forbes...
IPA time...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
According to Sharyl Attkisson, the CDC is currently monitoring 1400 possible exposures to ebola. That means 1400 people around the country who may have beeen exposed to someone with confirmed ebola.
Here is one you never heard about. No name is given so it is next to impossible to do a follow up. Concidence? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well you better stay underground, JDIdiot!

You never know when Obama will shoot you full of ebola!
rioseco's Avatar
How come Washington D.C. isn't ablaze with it ?
I hope it hits 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue extremely hard soon.
The flu bug would compliment the cocksuckers acid reflux very nicely !
boardman's Avatar
I've been getting flu shots every year for about 5 years now. Haven't had the flu since.
The efficacy of last year's vaccine was only around 65%.
Any word on how effective this year's vaccine is?
40 %
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I've been sitting here watching this thread from time to time and I wonder why know one reacted to EVA's first post. Too much of "of course that's true" for anyone to care?