albundy's Avatar
I'm sure this has been addressed at some point, but I must have missed it. Why do some providers have a no MSOG rule? I thought we were paying by the hour, not the pop. Their showcases and ads clearly list hourly rates. It doesn't say $300 a pop. Do you get a half hour rate if you cum before the first half hour is up? Or do you just sit around wishing you coulda held out for the whole hour? Just wondering. I haven't had an issue with this so far, thankfully. I'm hoping I never hook up with a woman that's like that.
DallasRain's Avatar
My theory is "Pop till you drop"

I have a friend in new mexico who will charge you extra if you want more than one pop...I asked why and she says it is cause she feels they pay it so therefore she can charge more for it
One shot ladies are crooks.

If she's not msog, she's not for me.
Arverni's Avatar
Back in the day ... the 30 minute non-MSOG was pretty standard. The "30 minutes" you were paying for was simply the maximum amount of time YOU had to "finish up". If, when the clock struck the half hour - you hadn't climaxed - then time was up and "see ya later!"

Hourly non-MSOG rates make no sense to me unless the girl is saying that she'll routinely GO for a full hour to get the pop. What girl really wants to do that? Most guys finish in far less than 15 minutes - so an MSOG 1 hour session could actually be LESS work.

But - as Globe is saying ... the girl is betting on the "cum" ... and that it will come in less than an hour! And for most guys - she's probably right.

By the way ... there was "The Legend of the Sikh" that some Romanian FKK chicks in Germany told me about. "The Sikh" was a 6'5" Sikh guy from India who was built like Conan. He would get a girl in a room for 30 minutes, start his stop watch, and then he would "finish" just as his watch hit 30 minutes. He was big, and strong ... and a pretty forceful and energetic thruster. None of the girls wanted to have him for a session.

They'd much prefer a guy who pops quick - then sit around and talk and smoke with him - then maybe one more "quicky" before the time is up.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I am MSOG with hour+ sessions. I have no problem with that if you can really pop twice within the hour. I do have a problem with clients that wait until 10 minutes before their time is up and want to try to go again and end up staying way past the hour. The second one always takes longer than the first one and there is usually no way we're going to accomplish that and get you cleaned up and out of there in 10 minutes.
Arverni's Avatar
Exactly blondie.

I love those reviews that say ... "LENGTH: 1 HR (But we went way over).

That's like a guy putting himself on report for being a sloppy client. The girl may not be a "clock watcher" but the etiquette in this hobby says ... THE MAN SHOULD BE.

QUESTION: How many of those guys that go over the time limit never even bother leaving a tip?
1ThickBlond's Avatar
[QUOTE=Arverni;1056285221]Exactly blondie.

I love those reviews that say ... "LENGTH: 1 HR (But we went way over).

To me that equates to "I totally took advantage of her kindness and now I'm going to brag about it". I try to avoid those type of clients and if I see that in all of their reviews I will usually pass. You are paying for time after all and if you are staying way past the time you paid for you are basically ripping me off. I might add this almost never happens to me here in Louisiana. Most of my clients here are true southern gentlemen.

That's like a guy putting himself on report for being a sloppy client. The girl may not be a "clock watcher" but the etiquette in this hobby says ... THE MAN SHOULD BE.

QUESTION: How many of those guys that go over the time limit never even bother leaving a tip?

In Texas this is business as usual for a lot of the clients. The market is so flooded with providers they get away with lots of things that wouldn't fly in other parts of the country. Again, not usually a problem here. Most of my clients here tip even when they don't go over.
One shot ladies are crooks. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Even if it's a HHR appt?
Great comments thus far. This is a touchy subject for me because I found myself wondering the same thing when I first got started in the hobby. I didn't want to be known as the young black guy with a big dick, who takes forever to come, and is super aggressive. So for the most part I've mainly seen ladies for 1/2 hour sessions. For those ladies that I do see for an hour, I really read their reviews to get a scense of whether or not we would be compatible (i.e. enjoys what she does, very energetic, very active and egaged in the session and NOT ALOOF, etc.) But at the end of the day, more often then not, I find my hour sessions being a 10 minute icebreaker, 20-30 minutes of sex with 1 shot, 10 minute shower and out the door with time to spare. Most of the time I'm still full of energy, leaving with my dick still hard and wishing I was still in there. To date, while I've had a great time with all of the ladies I have reviewed, there have only been a few that I can truly say really wore my young ass out.

Thanks Blonde & Averni for the wisdom.
Even if it's a HHR appt? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
P, I hope you're up to msog when we meet again. I have some unfinished business to attent too with that labia of yours
Even if it's a HHR appt? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Hmmmm..... No.....maybe.

I rarely do hh but there is one nice lady I've met for hh who forces me to nut in her mouth after about 10 min of her gagging.

Then she let's me fuck her until time is up or I nut again. Usually time is up.

I think the one-and-done guys prefer the hh. I can't do doesn't satisfy me.

I also wonder how many hh sessions go over on time.

I could easily (not hold back and) get two cfs nuts in under a hh but i bet most ladies won't allow it.
Arverni's Avatar
Haha! That reminds me of a provider that turned into my girlfriend - and we moved in together.

Before she was my "girlfriend" I was her regular. She worked in a massage parlor and it was "one and done" but the manager, since she wasn't in the room, didn't know how many "pops" this girl allowed me. And I was a broke mother-fucker back then, making like - $250 every two weeks. And I'd spend $150 of that in a one hour session with this girl ... every two weeks.

So ... she started getting creative with me. She actually "scheduled" the "pops".

It'd be like ... "Okay Arv, let's do the first one in less than five minutes." Okay ... done ... now wait 5 minutes (I was 22) ... "Give you ten minutes for this one". Okay ... done ... now wait 10 minutes ...

I don't remember the exact schedule but it'd be like four pops in an hour and I would walk out dragging ass.

I remember she once stuffed a stocking in my mouth because I was being too loud when I climaxed. She only wanted the manager to hear the last one.

If I finished one "pop" too soon or too late ... she'd recalculate the math! I liked to finish in LESS time that she gave me because ... I DID WANT TO HAVE TIME TO TALK TO HER. Which we could only do in whispers because of the manager - and not wanting her to hear us. I still remember the LOUD KNOCKS on the door the manager would do when time was up. And buddy - her stop watch was TO THE SECOND. What a bitch!

My girl was awesome - and it was cute. She knew I didn't have much money, and so she was trying to take care of me so I could last two weeks before our next visit! LOL
P, I hope you're up to msog when we meet again. I have some unfinished business to attent too with that labia of yours Originally Posted by DeepThunder69
My Handsome Hunk, i'll be there soon
albundy's Avatar
I am MSOG with hour+ sessions. I have no problem with that if you can really pop twice within the hour. I do have a problem with clients that wait until 10 minutes before their time is up and want to try to go again and end up staying way past the hour. The second one always takes longer than the first one and there is usually no way we're going to accomplish that and get you cleaned up and out of there in 10 minutes. Originally Posted by 1ThickBlond
Wow. Never thought about it from that point of view. I just always thought when a guy writes "1 hour but went over" it was just a particularly good session. Didn't realize the guy might be ripping the lady off. Interesting stuff.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Wow. Never thought about it from that point of view. I just always thought when a guy writes "1 hour but went over" it was just a particularly good session. Didn't realize the guy might be ripping the lady off. Interesting stuff. Originally Posted by albundy
Don't take it the wrong way. I don't think any of us ladies mind someone going over a little bit, especially if they are a good regular. If you are staying way past the amount of time you scheduled and paid for though and not giving the lady anything extra you are taking advantage of her. I absolutely hate to have to tell someone that they have overstayed their time and need to wrap things up and go or pay for more time. It puts me in a very awkward position and makes me very uncomfortable to have to do that and then I have to worry about being labeled the dreaded 'clock watcher' lol.