Scripted Session??

I recently received a request of a scripted session that was written out down to the minutes of how long we would LFK before transitioning to DFK when he first walks in the door. It was pretty detailed in minutes on how we would spend the hour together. I asked him if his concern was not getting to do all of what he was desiring, because if so, he was not to worry and assured him we would have plenty of time for everything he listed.

If I felt that everything he listed couldn't be accomplished in 1 hour, I would've advised him to book longer, but that wasn't the case. His response was "No, I'm an engineer"...

I am a go with the flow kinda girl and I feed off vibes. I know how to manage my time during a session where they don't feel cheated of activities. And, I'm also aware of the different fantasies out there desired, which usually I'm game for. For instance, I figured maybe this was a sub/dom type of request. But, it was clarified that it wasn't.

I'm not sure if I should have just taken his money and role played in my head as if I was in the military , but that wouldn't of been fun (surely, I would have lost track of time being GI Jane in my head Lol) And that is the whole point of me doing this. I respectfully declined his request for an appt and moved on. Three weeks later, I'm still thinking about this.

My question is, are there similarities out there with anyone regarded scripted sessions? Maybe it's becoming a trend and I'm not aware of this yet.
tortpicker's Avatar
I recently received a request of a scripted session that was written out down to the minutes of how long we would LFK before transitioning to DFK when he first walks in the door. It was pretty detailed in minutes on how we would spend the hour together. I asked him if his concern was not getting to do all of what he was desiring, because if so, he was not to worry and assured him we would have plenty of time for everything he listed.

If I felt that everything he listed couldn't be accomplished in 1 hour, I would've advised him to book longer, but that wasn't the case. His response was "No, I'm an engineer"...

I am a go with the flow kinda girl and I feed off vibes. I know how to manage my time during a session where they don't feel cheated of activities. And, I'm also aware of the different fantasies out there desired, which usually I'm game for. For instance, I figured maybe this was a sub/dom type of request. But, it was clarified that it wasn't.

I'm not sure if I should have just taken his money and role played in my head as if I was in the military , but that wouldn't of been fun (surely, I would have lost track of time being GI Jane in my head Lol) And that is the whole point of me doing this. I respectfully declined his request for an appt and moved on. Three weeks later, I'm still thinking about this.

My question is, are there similarities out there with anyone regarded scripted sessions? Maybe it's becoming a trend and I'm not aware of this yet. Originally Posted by Bliss of DFW

Some people are just task masters and have to list everything out that they must accomplish. I like the spontaneous part of an encounter myself. I went on vacation with some friends a couple years ago and they had everything listed out that we were going to do...that's not very relaxing to me...which is the point of a vacation I think. I like going with the flow too.
johnclark's Avatar
While this is just my opinion I believe engineers think WAY differently than normal folks. Everything has to be by the numbers with no variations. I've encountered many engineers in my time and at least half have that specific trait. It's fun to watch their behavior in social situations. My ex wife's new husband is an engineer and I love watching him stick his foot in his mouth socially over and over again. Hell, my brother is an engineer. I can just picture him standing in the rain, soaking wet, looking towards the sky with a look of sheer disbelief on his face because the forecast called for partly cloudy.

With that in mind you should give the guy a try. Even engineers need lovin!
While this is just my opinion I believe engineers think WAY differently than normal folks. Everything has to be by the numbers with no variations. I've encountered many engineers in my time and at least half have that specific trait. It's fun to watch their behavior in social situations. My ex wife's new husband is an engineer and I love watching him stick his foot in his mouth socially over and over again. Hell, my brother is an engineer. I can just picture him standing in the rain, soaking wet, looking towards the sky with a look of sheer disbelief on his face because the forecast called for partly cloudy.

With that in mind you should give the guy a try. Even engineers need lovin! Originally Posted by johnclark
Perhaps that's the problem...I know ZERO engineers so I have no insight on their thinking. I am surrounded by medical and homeopathic thinkers always.

Well, I'll take your advise thanks ...BUT, I will have an annoying kitchen timer on me the whole time and when it loudly beeps prompting me that its now time to reach down and grab his may show up in a review
I don't fault I he gentleman for being clear about what he wants, but I fully understand why you would decline the appointment. If I were in your shoes I would have as well. It sounds like it would have been very difficult to pull off, and even if you did, it would be nearly impossible to make it feel organic. Any other performance timed that tightly would require rehearsals to be successful. I hope he finds what he wants, but it would take a very specialized provider to do so.
koseylee's Avatar
Lmao. Freaking engineers drive me nuts!!! I am a technician and have to deal w that kinda crap all the time. I deal w what DOES work, not what should work.
Tell the guy to relax and let you show him a good time lol
I doubt this is a trend. It seems like he is very meticulous and might value logical ways of doing things much more than sentimentality and spontaneity. Perhaps he had certain anxieties related to his need to plan things out to the minute. Either way, if you know y'all wouldn't be compatible, maybe it's for the best that y'all didn't meet. But also, if you're down to take his cues and follow his lead, it may work out just fine.
pmdelites's Avatar
I recently received a request of a scripted session that was written out down to the minutes of how long we would LFK before transitioning to DFK when he first walks in the door. It was pretty detailed in minutes on how we would spend the hour together. I asked him if his concern was not getting to do all of what he was desiring, because if so, he was not to worry and assured him we would have plenty of time for everything he listed.
I'm not sure if I should have just taken his money and role played in my head as if I was in the military , but that wouldn't of been fun ... And that is the whole point of me doing this. I respectfully declined his request for an appt and moved on. Three weeks later, I'm still thinking about this.

My question is, are there similarities out there with anyone regarded scripted sessions? Maybe it's becoming a trend and I'm not aware of this yet. Originally Posted by Bliss of DFW
talk about anal compulsive :^)
kudos to you for respectfully declining the appt when you felt like it wouldnt have been a fun, enjoyable, erotic consultation.

While this is just my opinion I believe engineers think WAY differently than normal folks. Everything has to be by the numbers with no variations. ...

With that in mind you should give the guy a try. Even engineers need lovin! Originally Posted by johnclark
maybe so, but engineers should also know that there are various ways to approach and work on a project/problem.
one size does not fit all.
but, we all know that stereotypical engineers dont have that sense of variation. :^)

one thing he could have done is kept the list of activities he wanted to accomplish IN HIS MIND (punch list) and not get so detailed about it w/ Bliss. then, arrive at the consultation, keep the list in minde BUT GO WITH THE FLOW and do as much as he could in the time-box he arranged for.
as the consultation progressed, he might have so gotten into one activity that he would have submitted an Engineering Change Notice, approved it, and gone w/ a different plan. :^)

i do agree with your last stmt "Even engineers need lovin".

Perhaps that's the problem...I know ZERO engineers so I have no insight on their thinking. I am surrounded by medical and homeopathic thinkers always.

Well, I'll take your advise thanks ...BUT, I will have an annoying kitchen timer on me the whole time and when it loudly beeps prompting me that its now time to reach down and grab his may show up in a review Originally Posted by Bliss of DFW
bliss, if you do get back to him and ask if he'd still like to consult w/ you, another way to deal with it [in addition to him keeping the punch list] would be to find out what his higher level objectives are and satisfy them in the best way you know how. like "i want kissing, oral, and full service" ==> there are many ways to achieve those objectives.

also, just let him know you are a professional and are pretty damn sure he will be very well satisfied w/ your consulting prowess and performance.

good luck!
Invisible1's Avatar
Bliss, you may be surprised. Engineers are a harmless group when it comes to sex. I have heard over the years from various lady friends that many engineers, who are in decent shape, tend to be very caring and good in bed. They also dont mind paying for things (They usually have a decent job). They tend to research a lot and use videos and How To web pages to learn the sexual tricks they use in the sack.
blinkq45's Avatar
...My question is, are there similarities out there with anyone regarded scripted sessions? Maybe it's becoming a trend and I'm not aware of this yet. Originally Posted by Bliss of DFW

To your question Bliss:

Sometimes guys have an act or role playing scenario wrapped in their head of how they want things to go down in order to fulfill a certain fantasy. It could be a reenactment from a porn scene or a combination of turn-on's/desires that he believes if done in a certain sequence would maximize his satisfaction. So I don't feel that a request for a somewhat scripted session is uncommon; as long as he understands that you are a "go with the flow" kinda lady, he is willing to accommodate your natural flow, and you understand the higher level objectives he desires. The fact that he has laid out the various activities with precision timing IS quite uncommon, and not in kind to your nature. I don't feel his timing scenario is or will become a trend.
micktoz's Avatar
Damn, poor guy is missing out on experiencing Bliss.
All of us in this are somewhat nuts. Some just more than others. It comes to my mind to wonder how he might react to not being on script or on time. Might be a little scary.
Hey Beautiful, did he say he wanted a timer? I'd recommend seeing him WITHOUT a timer; just make sure you have his list memorized and move smoothly from one activity to another. Unless he's got some control issue that isn't related to being an engineer, he should be fine... As a (sort of) engineer, I'm thinking he'll be lost after the LFK/DFK sections anyway and you'll be running things the way you want and he'll be GRATEFUL! Keep us posted!
blowmypop23's Avatar
That doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me. I've never been into anything scripted or the normal routine. It seems like ladies seem to have a flow or cookie cut approach to providing some times and I don't care for it.

I once had a lady try to explain to me how the session was going to go- blah blah blah and now this blah blah blah. I finally had to tell her to stfu and just go with my fucking flow. One of my worst sessions ever. No IOP what so ever. Years later and her reviews still read the same way.

The other day I had a session and didn't even get a BJ, not that she wasn't willing it just wasn't the way I did it that day.

I feel like some guys here are in it for the mental high fives rather then the actually fucking. It's all about taking pics and posting reviews to show off their trophies. At least this guy wants something., although it sounds pretty blazay.

This is my script

I SMOKE.......I FUCK..........I EAT..........RINSE AND REPEAT
DownForWhatever's Avatar I shouldn't send girls a spreadsheet first?

...good to know!
I can be a bit OCD....if you wanted him to drop you a list, identify the top 3 and agree on 2 additional items (provided he gets at least an hour with you)...if he wants them in a special order then follow that....I bet what you find is that you will have met his "expectations" and I bet you will have time then to "show" him that spontaneity is the spice that YOU bring...
Lucky bugger.....