Enough already ...

HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-15-2010, 11:07 PM
Please since one thread started a few days ago with have nothing but people complaining, whining and getting cross with each other ... ENOUGH ALREADY!

The facts:

1. Providers - It is there business to run. They see who they want and they can provide the services they want.

2. Hobbyists - It is there right to do as much research as possible, or within their means, to find that right provider(s) that will suit there needs. If they meet a provider doesn't met their needs, there are others that will. If a provider is not providing good customer service, it is there right to take their business elsewhere.

It is that simple! Nothing more, nothing less.

3. Favorites - Everyone has them. It is human nature. Get over it. I am not here defending WKs because I CANNOT STAND some of the childish behavior that goes on with some of them, but by that same token it is going to happen. An intelligent person will read it as nothing more than some junior high crush, any day now I expect to read, "Do you like me. Mark 1 for yes, 2 for maybe and 3 for no." But move on, let them look foolish. I think most adults can see through the antics and make decisions based upon what's right for them and not by what some waiter at Chucky Cheese recommends.

If everyone would just chill, act civilized and try to communicate within reason without resorting to insulting one another over stuff that quite frankly, is STUPID.

I don't want to see people get in uproar and get their feelings hurt over stuff that is asinine. This hobby is suppose to be FUN! So please lets keep it that way!

heresy's Avatar
You are doing a real bang up job as moderator. I, personally, find it inspiring.
arkansasknight's Avatar
I don't know what all the whinning is about but maybe my review will clear the air around here cause it is damn humid with all the whinning!

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=20212"]Review: Super sexy Kyla - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

Lets all play nice this is suppose to be fun!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-16-2010, 05:11 AM
I don't know what all the whinning is about but maybe my review will clear the air around here cause it is damn humid with all the whinning!

Review: Super sexy Kyla - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews

Lets all play nice this is suppose to be fun! Originally Posted by arkansasknight
There are several issues at hand that my post was trying to alleviate to. Thanks for the thought but let's not get started on that again please and thanks!
Guest022210's Avatar
How 'bout them Hogs?
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Baby Its cold outside. Is it sposta snow today?
  • sadie
  • 02-16-2010, 06:48 AM
The forcast for today calls for sunshine and a high of 45 Pamela. Sounds pleasant.
The forcast for today calls for sunshine and a high of 45 Pamela. Sounds pleasant. Originally Posted by sadie
Almost warm enough to play outside! Anyone want to play? Being under Sadie and Pam both could be fun!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-16-2010, 09:36 AM
Ha! Ha! :P I know I ruin everyone's fun. So yep the weather sure is nice!
If everyone was nice, wtf would you have to do here?
Pamelatoo's Avatar
45 degrees. hhhmmmm. Warm enough for an Outdoor activity. I don't know what that could be...I am pretty sure Nipples are involed though. BRB I have to go google...lol
Oooo, nipples? Where?
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-16-2010, 01:51 PM
If everyone was nice, wtf would you have to do here? Originally Posted by cpi3000
Hmmmm I don't know maybe spend more time eye-humping all of the beautiful ladies

beetle's Avatar
Oooo, nipples? Where? Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Ah, Ms. Lily, I'll help you find them. I think we found them in Memphis, did you lose them on the way home????????
Ah, Ms. Lily, I'll help you find them. I think we found them in Memphis, did you lose them on the way home???????? Originally Posted by beetle
HA! Mine are pretty tough to lose!