Info or reviews?

  • Maul
  • 02-05-2024, 02:40 PM

I know she has been down here before, but has a different number now. I could not locate a review and I’m not a 411 member. Any help is appreciated.
NordicJag's Avatar
Damn, is that age correct? Finally someone almost in my age range. If that age is correct, she looks fantastic.
NordicJag's Avatar
That area code is southern Alabama. I realize that doesn't mean that much any more, but it might be a good place to start.
NordicJag's Avatar
My dreams have been dashed. The age is obviously a misprint. Here is a review:
mizurymule's Avatar
My dreams have been dashed. The age is obviously a misprint. Here is a review: Originally Posted by NordicJag
Or a little joke since the stated age is 69.
Rooter's Avatar
I've always wanted to crack that 70s barrier and then 80s. I had a group thing set up thru a mutual friend with a woman in her 70s, but it fell thru. I've had several in their 60s. My best friend is in her 60s and we fuck all the time. I made a fuck buddy at work several years ago in her mid 60s. She hadn't had sex in over a decade. The first time or 2 I had to work and work to get inside and I dont have a big cock.
Damn you lucky rooter