Traveling for work

bustybabygirl's Avatar
So to the ladies who tour - when you're on the road do you pretty much stay close to the hotel or do you get out and about and enjoy the area?

To the men who travel for work - do you hobby on the road? Do you have time to get out and enjoy the areas you travel to or are you too busy working?
When I'm on the road, I'll hobby when possible.
I try to have dates set up a couple days b4 I leave...
Plastic Man's Avatar
well when ...plastic man ...visits other places ins this ...great land of murica he always makes a point ta sees if theres be ...any carnivals in town so he cans enjoy funnel ...cakes an buys a nice bunch a colorful balloons ta brighten his

Out of state no, as I don't travel to the same cities with any regularity and if I found someone I really liked, I'd be bummed if I couldn't see her until next year or later. Only exception is Sandra Dee, have seen her twice in Conn, she is exceptional, fantastic looking MILF. Within NY state is different as I am in Rochester or Syracuse or Albany fairly often and have a regular I see in Rochester every 2nd or 3rd month. Want to see Kira in Albany sometime.
Regularly when out of country; ....... ������
TheReal's Avatar
When I go out on the road for business I hobby, especially in NY. I had success on the west coast, although some areas in California were sketchy.
wilson13's Avatar
I try to every time i travel
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 10-11-2017, 08:00 AM
When I go to Canada great indy's and agencies
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I do this whenever the opportunity presents itself and have found that there is no place in the country worse to sexually degrade hooks than Binghamton.

Anchorage Alaska is better than Binghamton.

Bristol Tennessee is better than Binghamton.

Otter Tail County Minnesota is better than Binghamton.

I hope the ridiculous rules on bp don't fuck this up too badly.
sailor1500's Avatar
Hobby only when I travel. Try to do some touristing, but sometimes the choice with free time is touristing or hobbying
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Part of my job is attending bbw conventions at my sugar daddy's expense whew

I don't like to hobby in my backyard so only when I travel. Problem is my schedule is usually always up in the air and changes a lot pretty quickly.
I'm headed to Pittsburgh next week and I've been snooping on their page for some talent.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
hobby everywhere anywhere
ben8888's Avatar
So to the ladies who tour - when you're on the road do you pretty much stay close to the hotel or do you get out and about and enjoy the area?

To the men who travel for work - do you hobby on the road?Rarely but on ocassion Do you have time to get out and enjoy the areas you travel to or are you too busy working? Most of the time. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
I usually do not as all my stuff is on a corporate card so Room, car, Meals.... lots and lots of Meals. I know there is always the risk of something bad happening so i choose not to expose myself most of the time when traveling as a Rep of my company. Do go to the strip club quite often though and even take some clients on occasion.