
Guitar's Avatar
Can a guy really get Gen Herpes from a girl with a fever blister. Been arguing with some guys bout this. Google says you can, but Google says Spontanious Combustion is possible. Figured if it was true, someone on here would know if it's a myth or not.
You have 2 types of herpes. Simplex a and b.
Guitar's Avatar
I know what the internet says. I was just hoping some guy was gonna confirm that he's had bj's from girls with fever blisters and never had a problem. I can't say as I've ever payed attention to wheather a girl has had fever blisters or not when I was getting serviced. Guess I'll pay more attention from now on. Thnx
Lmao, a fever blister is contagious dear
eccie_user's Avatar
Herpes, in case you missed it in your research, can be contagious whether or not there are any visible symptoms. It is just more contagious when there are break outs. It may be dormant for longer periods after a few years of having it, but if you get stressed out and go without sleep, the virus can wake up and start to shed little viruses without any visible symptoms. Even though oral and genital herpes are different and may not transfer well from one place to the other (though it may happen on rare occasion), your girlfriend doing a BBBJ on you after you are exposed to a fever blister may get a fever blister too. Fortunately and inexplicably, the stigma is on genital, not oral herpes. If she is ignorant, she might not even think you gave it to her.
My wife got fever blisters bad and I have never had a fever blister ever. She would get them just above her lip. There are only a few times we did not kiss, and never did it keep us from making love and 90% of love making included lots of foreplay, with oral, 69, I was married nearly 30 years.
Did you ever kissed her long, and intensely hard when she had them??
Herpes simplex A is a fever blister or a cold sores, whichever you prefer. Once you get them, they will stay with you (can lie dormant until some sort of bodily stress occurs) and yes you can pass them on to another person you kissed if there is the slightest inflammation on a pair of lips (on a face!)

Herpes simplex B is an STD that is highly contagious, no explanations needed.
>I was just hoping some guy was gonna confirm that he's had bj's from girls with fever blisters and never had a problem.

n = 1 is never a good excuse to take a risk.
aNiG, you got that right
Yes, we would have long passionate kisses. Sometimes the sores hurt her lip or face, when that happened, no we did not kiss because it hurt her and typically pain only lasted a day or two.

Plenty of blow jobs from her even when she had sores for over 25 years and I am clean. Never had an issue.
Plenty of blow jobs from her even when she had sores for over 25 years and I am clean. Never had an issue. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo

You dont have to have cold sores on your mouth or open soars on your genitals to have herpes. From what I have read it seems most people never have an outbreak and therefor never know they even have it. Also it seems that even though you dont have sores you can still spread it to others. Its called viral shedding. Thats kind of scary. I guess its a good idea to get checked just to be safe.
I do not have type 1 (oral herpes) nor do I have type 2 (genital) herpes. Most of the medical propaganda out there is worthless. Most medical junk knowledge spread as early as the 70's in an attempt to curtail teen pregnancies. The 60's promoted "free love" and the 70's put a stop to that, lol.

I have been medically checked often. I am clean. Some literature out there states 90% of population has herpes but most people do not have outbreaks. Means everyone is spreading it, so if you are a young virgin teenager keep your clothes on or face painful sitgma of having an STD!!!!!!!

Appreciate your concern and no, not really that scary according to some so called health experts, having sex is more dangerous than jumping off a mile high cliff without a parachute. I do not know the facts, all I know is when my wife was here, we kissed and did ALL the things people in love do including oral sex for over 25 years and I do not have any type of herpes. Remember she only had oral sores nothing more, ever. She had those sores even as a child, she had it her life and lived a very fullfilled and happy life.
Moonchild's Avatar
Everyone has herpes