
I don't really want to post this because it will make me look like an idiot. I would not disagree with that characterization. But, I think it is a situation that a lot of guys may face making a decision about sooner or later and I hope someone can benefit from my experience.

I'm not looking for any sympathy. I made my choices and accept the consequences of them, and that those consequences were largely predictable. I'll play a violin for myself now so no one else has to.

I'm also not looking to call anyone out or embarrass them, publicly or privately. Two of the three ladies I'll mention aren't even on the board anymore and I have nothing but good things to say about the one who is. I suppose it's possible the others might recognize themselves if they read this, but it's highly unlikely that they will.

This is about "advances" - giving ladies payment in advance for future time with them. Some guys are sitting shaking their heads because they already know where this is going. Again, I don't disagree that I'm an idiot.

I've given three ladies advances over the course of my hobby tenure so far. In each case it was because of a dire situation happening in their lives and in two of the cases the ladies couldn't work for a while for medical reasons. Not all, but a fair number of providers live pretty close to the edge, and I had compassion for them. They were also ladies I considered regulars and friends - not at all new to me.

So, here's what happened.

Lady A - Worked out perfectly. She wanted to get it off the books as soon as possible, and she did.

Lady B - I never got any time and she disappeared. I got fleeced, in other words.

Lady C - I've gotten some of the time here and there but it's been a struggle. Hard to communicate with. Lots of cancellations of time we do set up. I might get some of the time eventually but I'll never get all of it.

These three ladies represent, I think, the three possibilities of what could happen when advances are given.

Lady A is who I think we all hope we are dealing with (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to ever give an advance, possibly the only one stupid enough to admit it publicly though). She had a sense of personal honor that demanded she fulfill her obligation as soon as she possibly could, and she did. This is the ideal outcome.

Lady B simply never intended to fulfill her obligation. This may or may not be the worst outcome (I'll explain).

Lady C is the baffling one, and I suspect also the most common. I think she intended to fulfill her commitment and believes that she will, but there's a problem. New money is better than old money. What you want has more value than what you already have. It's human nature. New appointments with new money incoming will always take precedence, even over appointments already made and paid for, hence the cancellations. She may feel some guilt about it, hence the avoidance and being difficult to communicate with.

I think as clients we think about advances quite differently than providers do. Again, assuming I'm not the only idiot out here. It seems like such a simple thing, and so easy to fulfill: She'll just spend the time with me as soon as it works with both our schedules. And with Lady A, that's exactly what it is. You still have to account for the other two types though.

Lady A - the ideal, what I hoped for from all of them

Lady B - the worst person of the bunch. But the pain is finite once you realize you got fleeced. I knew it could happen, and it did. Take your lumps for being a sucker and move on.

Lady C - Perhaps the hardest to deal with because there seems to be hope of her living up to her commitment from time to time, but then there is also plenty of evidence to the contrary. So, things go unresolved.

If you get a Lady C, you might be thinking that you'll be her highest priority for helping her out, but that's not true because of the "new money" incentive already mentioned. In fact I believe with Lady C, by helping her you actually achieve the opposite of that, becoming her lowest priority. She's not Lady A, who does make getting it off the books her highest priority, even potentially over getting new money.

One thing to make clear: I am NOT saying all providers are untrustworthy, not at all. I compare it to family loans I've made over the years, where I've gotten exactly 0% repaid. So, providers actually have a better track record. And there are providers who simply wouldn't ask for or expect advances.

So there it is. If guys encounter this situation I hope you'll remember this and use it to help your judgment. Do I say never give a provider an advance? No. I'd do it for Lady A again (however, the Bank of Spanky is not accepting new applicants at this time). But if you do, make sure you're prepared to lose it, because there's a good chance that you will.
haa... to have those rich man problems.
but boy you seem like a real decent guy spanky. (you make your fortune screwing over millions though? )

but also guilty. stripper in ft smith. oh well
Ha ha, no fortune here, sadly. I save up diligently for each appointment and in one case above used money from a rare windfall I got.

I’m not entirely sure my employer doesn’t screw over millions (they probably do actually) but I’m a mere cog in the machine!
Thought provoking post as always. I, like you, have had the experience as well. And before anyone else chimes in about being independently wealthy, not in the least.

I have to say that Situation A is a rarity in my experience. They do exist though. I have one young lady who I trust implicitly who I would enter into this kind of transaction with again in the future.

Unfortunately, Situation B is more common and I have been stung by that one on more than one occasion.

Situation C? Unfortunately, I've seen that one too. That's the one that generally gets me more than once. As you would say Spanky, I keep peeing on that electric fence and it takes me a long time to learn that it's going to hurt every time.

I believe it was Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I will admit that I fit that definition.

I also believe that there are a lot of A's out there, but the B's and C's make people like me cynical and doubtful. Kind of spoils it for everyone.

I guess that's why this bank is closed to new loan customers.
Personally, I don’t understand the need for advance payments… Any semi-decent provider can throw up an ad with some really great specials and have $900 - $1,000 + by the end of the day, if not more.

I can honestly say that in nearly 10 years in the hobby, I have never asked anyone to advance money to me.
who knows how many habits or pimps are being supported.
and there are always people that absolutely hate their job.
another set of wrinkly balls??!! fuck no

but you are above semi-decent.
but you are above semi-decent. Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Certainly agree with that! Far above!
Personally, I don’t understand the need for advance payments… Any semi-decent provider can throw up an ad with some really great specials and have $900 - $1,000 + by the end of the day, if not more.

I can honestly say that in nearly 10 years in the hobby, I have never asked anyone to advance money to me. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Yeah I know. Another reading of this may just be that I’m an easy mark. I guess a lot of guys that try to have compassion for others probably are vulnerable in that way.
SlowHand50's Avatar
I was guilty of this. Once. It was described as a loan, but I knew better. I looked at it secretly as a gift, and that's what it ended up being. But she was worth it.
I find loans a great way to make people vanish.
I find loans a great way to make people vanish. Originally Posted by I speak the truth
You really do speak the truth! lol
Yeah I know. Another reading of this may just be that I’m an easy mark. I guess a lot of guys that try to have compassion for others probably are vulnerable in that way. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
BTW, by "reading of this" I meant my own statements in the OP, not Ginger's. In case it wasn't obvious.
I've only made one advance donation, and thankfully she turned out to be Lady A. All of her reviews indicated that she was on the level, but it was a huge risk, one that I certainly won't repeat.
Best advice? Never loan money you expect to see again. If it gets repaid in cash or kind, look at that as a blessing in and of itself. And if you believe in karma, your kind act will eventually come back around.
  • cboat
  • 01-26-2018, 01:15 PM
Personally, I don’t understand the need for advance payments… Any semi-decent provider can throw up an ad with some really great specials and have $900 - $1,000 + by the end of the day, if not more.

I can honestly say that in nearly 10 years in the hobby, I have never asked anyone to advance money to me. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
That attitude is part of why you are where you are.