Emotions.. They are yours!... Why give someone else control over them?.... That's way too much empowerment....

Whispers's Avatar
......I know that one way Whispers seems to get under people's skin is by refusing to get mad. Originally Posted by down41
I get angry..... Dogs get mad....

I just never let anyone know I am angry.... And that often makes them mad!

Emotions are a strong thing and in my opinion when you let someone "make you mad"... "hurt your feelings"... "make you cry".....

you have given that person tremendous control over you....

unless you are a sub... Why?

My emotions are just that..... Mine.....

I seldom let anyone affect them and when they do I strive to make sure they don't know it.....
I like that it's a good idea to follow
aahhhhhhh....a thread i can learn from!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I have to care enough for that person for them to even have some input into my emotional state. I don't care about most people.

This doesn't mean that I wish ill for them. I generally care enough that people stay safe, better themselves, etc.. I will usually stick around to make sure any acquaintance get in their front door before driving off or see them to their door, buy someone a drink if they need one, even help out in other ways, but I just don't have a lot of myself invested in most people I meet enough for them to affect me emotionally.
rrrabbit's Avatar
What Rand said.

Someone I cross paths with in the street has no power to affect my emotional state of being. They can yell and road rage all day long, but I aint gonna have my day ruined by a nobody. I may choose to bust their chop just to be a smart azz, but then I'm gonna move on with a smile.

However, if it's somebody I care for and know well... that's an ENTIRELY different matter.
knotty man's Avatar
to paraphrase chris rock. "you dont love a motherf@#ker till youve contemplated how your gonna dispose of the body". in other words only someone you love can weild enough power to make your emotions reach such a high level. otherwise its just water off a ducks back

it almost sounds like the excuse that abusive men give...''i only kicked her ass cuz i love her so much''
im not buyin it.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar

it almost sounds like the excuse that abusive men give...''i only kicked her ass cuz i love her so much''
im not buyin it. Originally Posted by bubbaJay

Not at all, bubba. Affecting emotions is not the same as how we express those emotions. We may get angry, happy, or sad.. The situation you bring up is a specific emotion to begin with, then it tries to justify a specific reaction to that emotion. Even narrowing down to anger, we have varying ways of expressing that anger. I tend to be pretty cold about it. If I do take action, I think about the most effective way of getting revenge rather than lashing out.
still...i hope that fact that my gf...probably soon to be ex gf...again...drives me fucking NUTZ...only cuz i care about her so much! lol
still...i hope that fact that my gf...probably soon to be ex gf...again...drives me fucking NUTZ...only cuz i care about her so much! lol Originally Posted by bubbaJay
No, she does that only because you let her. If you don't let your woman give you shit, she'll either respect you for it or walk away. Either way, you win.
true... when i dont 'let' her get to me...she doesnt act up as much....but that only lasts for a short time...then the crazy comes back
I'm an extremely emotional person. Not in a crazed-out-of-control-mood-swings kind of way, but I feel my emotions very deeply, and I'm incredibly empathetic, almost to a fault. If someone is hurting, I feel their pain. If someone is angry, I feed off of it. If someone is really happy, and I'm in a bad mood, I suddenly find myself smiling. Sometimes, this trait is wonderful to have. It makes me a good listener, and helps me read others pretty well. I can usually tell within a few moments of meeting someone whether we will get along or not. And when I bond with people, I bond quickly and deeply. I've had years of therapy to learn how to manage my emotions and remain calm in the face of chaos. Although I now have the tools and the knowledge to appear apathetic if needed, I see no problem with allowing myself to tell someone off once in awhile, or express my anger when I witness a social injustice, or become protective when someone I care about is wronged. The same fire that fuels my everyday emotions also fuels my passion... in my career, in my hobbies, in my relationships, and in the bedroom. I don't want that passion to be muted. Many times, when we allow our emotions to overtake our reason, it's because we are afraid. Afraid of losing someone or something (even a particular feeling), afraid of having to push beyond our comfort zone, afraid that what someone is saying about us might actually be true, or afraid that others will perceive something that's being said about us as true, even if we know it to be untrue. Fear drives us to initiate the fight or flight response, protect ourselves from potential emotional, psychological or physical danger, and motivates us to save face when our reputations are at stake. Fear isn't a bad thing... it's just misunderstood. But with all that being said, it's important to try not to get caught up in what others have to say to the point that it's detrimental to your health or state of mind. Elenore Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I'm guilty of forgetting to take that sage advice, but every day I get a bit better.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm an extremely emotional person.

Not in a crazed-out-of-control-mood-swings kind of way, but I feel my emotions very deeply, and I'm incredibly empathetic, almost to a fault.

If someone is hurting, I feel their pain.

If someone is angry, I feed off of it.

If someone is really happy, and I'm in a bad mood, I suddenly find myself smiling.

It makes me a good listener, and helps me read others pretty well.

I can usually tell within a few moments of meeting someone whether we will get along or not.

And when I bond with people, I bond quickly and deeply.

I see no problem with allowing myself to tell someone off once in awhile, or express my anger when I witness a social injustice, or become protective when someone I care about is wronged.

The same fire that fuels my everyday emotions also fuels my passion...

in my career, in my hobbies, in my relationships, and in the bedroom.

Many times, when we allow our emotions to overtake our reason, it's because we are afraid.

Afraid of losing someone or something (even a particular feeling), afraid of having to push beyond our comfort zone, afraid that what someone is saying about us might actually be true, or afraid that others will perceive something that's being said about us as true, even if we know it to be untrue.

Fear drives us to initiate the fight or flight response, protect ourselves from potential emotional, psychological or physical danger, and motivates us to save face when our reputations are at stake.

Fear isn't a bad thing... it's just misunderstood.
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign



Get the Fuck out of my head!

And quit posting what you find there!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
If someone is really happy, and I'm in a bad mood, I suddenly find myself smiling. . Originally Posted by Natalie Reign

You bring the pumpkin spice latte and I'll be happy!