Mayorkas admitted the border is the worse it's been in over 20 years, "if not ever."

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Audio of DHS Sec Mayorkas' meeting with Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector today. It did not go well. One agent turned his back on Mayorkas.


Mayorkas admitted the border is the worse it's been in over 20 years, "if not ever."

"I know the policies of this administration are not particularly popular with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, but that's the reality and let's see what we can do within that framework," Mayorkas added.

An agent pressed Mayorkas on how DHS can reconcile saying border security is the main mission for Border Patrol, yet agents are unable to patrol the border due to the policies the Biden administration has in place. Border Patrol agents are being utilized to process the thousands of illegal immigrants.

Another agent asked Mayorkas about the low number of people being enrolled in the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as "Remain in Mexico," a policy the Biden administration was forced to re-up by court order after President Biden attempted to shut down the program. "The numbers are not where they need to be. I agree with that," Mayorkas admitted, adding the U.S. is still negotiating with Mexico.

One exasperated agent told Mayorkas the situation in the Yuma Sector was much better under former President Donald Trump because "everyone was doing their jobs."

Full recording in the link
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Meanwhile - a reporter on the border

Yesterday afternoon alone, we witnessed the federal government mass releasing multiple bus loads of single adult male migrants at a parking garage in Brownsville. Many of the men received travel packets from a nearby NGO, then walked to the bus station to leave the city

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ICE agents forced to coordinate travel for illegal immigrants, some with criminal records

EXCLUSIVE: Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations have been turned into an "unofficial travel coordination agency," and agents are made to coordinate travel for some illegal immigrants with criminal records, an ICE source told Fox News on Wednesday.

The ICE official was reacting to Fox News’ reporting that single adult illegal immigrants are being quickly processed and released into the U.S. in large numbers via a hub in Brownsville, Texas.
berryberry's Avatar
NEW: We were on scene as ICE mass released another a large group of single adult male migrants at San Antonio airport this morning. A NGO escorted the men inside. It aired live on @FoxNews
People at the airport told us they’ve seen these mass ICE releases happening for months. Watch
snoopy75's Avatar
Nice that we're going to defend Ukraine's border, but keep ours WIDE OPEN. Makes sense...
The most important issue at the boarder was the patrolmen/patrolwomen/patrolnonbinary people (trying to be PC) allegedly using whips on Haitian migrants trying to illegally enter the country… good thing they did a thorough investigation on that.
berryberry's Avatar
The most important issue at the boarder was the patrolmen/patrolwomen/patrolnonbinary people (trying to be PC) allegedly using whips on Haitian migrants trying to illegally enter the country… good thing they did a thorough investigation on that. Originally Posted by Loretta77
LOL, indeed. That was over 4 months ago how Mayorkas promised a swift investigation?

Yeah, he wants you to forget about that because the whole story was false and absurd.
Also… remember the emotional video and images of AOC leaning against a boarder fence looking at the horrors while crying… population at the Biden cages are up at least 20% I’m pretty sure. Also the conditions are worse now than when her emotional photo shoot took place. I wonder if she’ll show up and cry for the camera again.
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berryberry's Avatar
Border Patrol Agent calls out CBP Chief:

“For evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing…Good men are doing nothing. You’re allowing illegal aliens to be dropped off in communities…”

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President Trump Calling Out Biden & Washington For Focusing On Ukraine's Border Instead Of America's Border

"It's always America Last."

"Before Joe Biden sends any troops to defend a border in Eastern Europe he should be sending troops to defend our border right here in Texas."
berryberry's Avatar
NEW: Five Syrian men were arrested by Rio Grande Valley sector Border Patrol agents after they crossed illegally into Hidalgo, TX on Thursday, a DHS source tells me. @FoxNews
President Trump Calling Out Biden & Washington For Focusing On Ukraine's Border Instead Of America's Border

"It's always America Last."

"Before Joe Biden sends any troops to defend a border in Eastern Europe he should be sending troops to defend our border right here in Texas." Originally Posted by berryberry
You can only imagine if the orange menace had gotten his way, Ukraine would have already been swollowed by Russia and Trump asking Putin where and when he could put up a couple of hotels!

Ukraine is a functioning democracy, Russia is an oligarchical authoritarian dictatorship!
Biden is on the right side of history as they like to say.
And as eye said in an earlier post that it is of course unconstitutional to us American troops on American soil without an act of congress, but just say we did deploy there what would you have them do?
These are trained combat troops, are you going to conduct ambushes and cut them down in the middle of the dessert?
Slaughter illegals?
It's not the job of our soldiers.
But defending our friends and allies from an oligarchical authoritarian dictatorships that wishes to invade a country friendly to us, even if not a NATO member only because Putin doesn't wish to have a functioning democracy on his border.
Stopping that sort of shit, well that is thier job!
I know it was mine when I was a member of NATO 3.5 yrs!
But hey who cares about semantics right?
... CLOSE ... THE ... BORDER!

Close The Border!

... THAT solves the problem.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden is letting illegals and likely terrorists in from a host of countries

In past most illegal border crossers were from Mexico, Northern Triangle. Now, since start of Senile Biden admin, new category, 'other,' is biggest. Illegal crossers from Russia, Turkey, India, Romania, more.

Finish building the wall and close the border !!!!!