It's too early to go whole hog one way or the other but, being down 0-2 isn't exactly how one would draw it up. I hope the Rangers can come back but if they can't they are still in a lot better shape for the future than the Giants. The future looks bright for the Rangers and, who knows, that future could be the next 5 WS games, too!
But, don't be surprised if we are undone by one of those crazy aberrations that come along every now and then, i.e. a "Team of Destiny." The Giants may be, with the exception of a few, one of those bunches of misfits and weirdos, has-beens and never-were's that come along every so often. Baseball has long been a refuge of the - gawd luv 'em - and the beisbol gods have a strange sense of humor. The Giants couldn't outhit grandma during the regular season but whipped the powerful Phillies' collective ass with their bats and, for at least the first two games, are pounding our asses into the ground. It may be the Rangers' unhappy lot to have tripped over a real-life incarnation of "Major League." I wonder which one of them is Cerrano?
Hell, let's enjoy the trip and root, root, root for the home team (someone once said) - who knows, our Rangers may get hot when they get back here.