Need to hire a welder ... if you have any suggestions, please ....

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I need a welder for a small project. It's nothing sexual but if he wishes to weld his body next to mine for a few moments in time, I might be open to it.

Seriously, though, need to find a welder who will do an independent job.

Please send me a PM with any suggestions or e-mail me at

LazurusLong's Avatar
Is the need portable meaning you can take it to him or will he need to bring his tools to you?

Is this item steel or aluminum or maybe cast of some sort?

Is the item broken? Or is this something you need constructed?

You can have TIG welding, MIG welding, spot welding, arc welding or what they call brazing with an ox/acetylene torch. Each type of metal needs different types.
pyramider's Avatar
Someone must be needed to get some toys fixed.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
LOL. No, it isn't a broken toy. But there is something broken and it's relatively big. If you have a suggestion or need more information, please just write me.

I could bring it to you or you could come to me.
