Veterans Day.

alphonse1948's Avatar
To all who served,have a great Veterans Day. Thank you for your service. I do remember daily to honor you men and women. For all we have, it is because of you and those before you.
Zurrock's Avatar
Thank you but in all honesty, it was a pleasure to have served... I would do it again in a heart beat. It goes both ways, we also appreciated the support from friends, families and strangers that are state side.
tigerjedi69's Avatar
You're welcome. Navy Vet here.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Thank you but in all honesty, it was a pleasure to have served... I would do it again in a heart beat. It goes both ways, we also appreciated the support from friends, families and strangers that are state side. Originally Posted by Zurrock
That's true. My father in law spoke about how he was treated after 'Nam. And I'll never forget the strangers who greeted us as we deplaned for a stop in Maine of all places as we returned from Iraq after Storm. I still get choked up remembering the old WWII vet that hugged me and thanked me for my service. All I wanted to do was thank him as he surely had it rougher than I. And the stranger in Massachusetts who sent our unit books so we'd have something to read. Or the school kids from all over the country that sent letters and care packages... even if just part of an assignment, it warmed our hearts and our CO insured every letter got an individual response from someone in our unit.

Now a days with Skype and such it must be so different I guess.... but I won't forget standing in line for hours outside a makeshift phone tent for a 5 min call home using a calling card mailed to us from perfect strangers that I'd never be able to thank or let them know how much it was appreciated.

Vets day is more than thanking us or remembering our "sacrifices" but also should be a chance to remember the collective effort. Especially since it feels our country is more internally divided than ever in recent history. A good day (among others of course) to be thankful and proud to be an American.

Not to say if any particularly generous Canadian provider wanted to give me a more personal thanks that I'd turn her down! Lol After all I served side by side with a few of our allies over there Canadians included! ;-)
The Drummer's Avatar
To all who served,have a great Veterans Day. Thank you for your service. I do remember daily to honor you men and women. For all we have, it is because of you and those before you. Originally Posted by alphonse1948

Well said, Alphonse.
cale1964's Avatar
Zurrock is right on, as are all the comments. Navy Vet here as well. Let's keep all the current Soldiers and Sailors in our thoughts as well.
To all the ladies and gentlemen that served, thank you. It is appreciated.
Zurrock's Avatar
Zurrock is right on, as are all the comments. Navy Vet here as well. Let's keep all the current Soldiers and Sailors in our thoughts as well. Originally Posted by cale1964
I was ARMY
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Peacetime Marine clockin in homies

cale1964's Avatar
Zurrock, no offense. I said "all" the comments and was referring to Tigerjedi's mentioning he was Navy.
Zurrock's Avatar
No offense taken, I was lazy and just clicked on any branch that someone said they were from
I too want to say Thank You to all that have served for our country it is much appreciated and often taken for granted. Again Thanks to all of you
Retired USMC here... Zurrock is spot on... it was a pleasure to serve and I defintely appreciated the support of friends and family. I'm not from UpstateNY but will be in the area next week / celebrating the USMC Birthday on Sunday and Veterans Day on Monday and of course hobbying is a planned part of the celebratory festivities...
gaijin1969's Avatar
Retired USMC here... will be in the area next week / celebrating the USMC Birthday on Sunday and Veterans Day on Monday and of course hobbying is a planned part of the celebratory festivities... Originally Posted by TheMajor88
Woo-ahh or whatever ya damn jar heads say ;-)
Sorry.... I was the black sheep of the family. Dad did a stint as a Marine and Father in law did 2 tours in Nam so of course I joined the Army ;-)

I will say, the Marines had the best damn mess hall I ever ate in while in Saudi. If you could put up with all the yelling.... they even yelled asking you if a portion was enough I swear to god.

All kidding aside, Happy Birthday to the Corps and Veteran's Day to us all
vm1200's Avatar
Peacetime Marine clockin in homies
Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
semper fi brother

the corners of that bed sheet do not look regulation. better square yourself away.

People forget we all VOLUNTEERED to put our lives on the front line for our country, your freedom, and our brothers in arms.

I served with young men, same age as my son. The remarkable things our troops do and endure cannot be comprehended by someone who has not seen it first hand.