Need some help

cptjohnstone's Avatar
One of my former sugarbabys totally burned me

She got me to buy a car for her but she would make the payments, I must have been drunk. After 4 months she made one $50 payment. I told her I wanted the car back because my current sugarbaby's daughter would pay 1/2 the payments.

I finally got the car back but she totally trashed it, including putting bald tires on it so I plan on taking her to small claims court.

The problem is I do not know the proper spelling of her last name. Do I have to hire a PI to find out? Anybody have any other ideas? I have her address and know it is pronounced Never reveal real world info--Torito and the spelling is different.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Try this if you already have her address:
travelling_man's Avatar
Typical SB arrangement for getting a girl a car is to put it in HER name and YOU make the payments. That way if she fails to live up to her end of your arrangement you just stop making the payments and she is the one to suffer. By putting the car in YOUR name it gives her absolutely zero incentive to keep her end of the arrangement. She knows that she has nothing to lose and you should have seen the not making the payment problem coming from a mile away.

I'm sorry that it happened. I've had one of my sugarbabies ask me to put a car in my name and I said not only no, but hell no !

I'd suggest sending a PM to ShysterJon. He is the resident sugarbaby expert and a lawyer as well and should be able to steer you in the right direction.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Travelling Man, I am guessing that most SB's don't have the best of credit. The person who is responsible for the loan can't transfer the name on the car unless the bank accepts the other person's credit. If not, the person who took out the original loan is stuck with the car in his name.

And just to add, taking out a loan for a car for a SB is about the dumbest thing you can do. The car is in your name. Forget about the payments, if the insurance is not up to par, and she gets in an accident, you can get seriously fucked and lose everything you own if she is negligent in a serious accident.

cptjohnstone, I say take back the car like you did, and sell it immediately. Why risk your livelihood since the car is obviously in your name? Unless of course if you make damn sure the insurance payments are made in full every month....Which I doubt you will do if the previous owner of your vehicle made such a paltry loan payment for your car over a four month stretch and you found out after the fact.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I get a lot of PMs from guys asking for my advice about buying a car for their SB. The following are my thoughts on the issue. I don't mean to imply that the way I've dealt with the issue is the only way. I'm sure other SDs have handled SB cars in a different way to great success. I can only relate what has worked for me, having had seven SBs over seventeen years.

1. I don't think it's accurate to say a SD would have to be a fool to buy a car for his SB. Such a flat rule is contrary to my experience. I've bought a total of four cars for three of my seven SBs, and I assure you while I may manifest risky behavior in some respects (as does pretty much everyone here), I am no fool when it comes to SBs and my hard-earned simoleons. But I have only bought cars for SBs I have been with for an extended period and trusted, to a degree.

2. I have never bought a car for a SB on credit and never would. To do so creates records. I try my darndest never to create a record regarding my SB or when I hobby. Records are like poor relations: They tend to show up when you least expect them to and when you can be troubled by them the most. Records are those things which can be marked as exhibits and admitted into evidence in family or criminal court.

3. When I have bought a car for a SB, I've paid cash. For more than ten years I've been using a client who's a car broker to serve as a go-between so no record is created with my name on it. I tell my SB I'm making payments on the car. (I truly believe honesty is the best policy, but no rule is absolute.) If the agreement is that the SB is to pay for the car, she makes the payments to the broker. I guess if the SB wanted assurance the car was "in her name," the broker could issue her a temporary title in her name. I wouldn't have a problem with that. But the issue has never come up.

4. One time I had a SB go meshugina on me. She wanted to keep the car although we were no longer together. I told her that was fine, as long as she began making payments on the car (our agreement was that I supposedly made the payments to the broker). She agreed to begin making the payments, but once it sunk in that she was now SD-less and could not afford the payments, she released the car to me and was glad to be free of the burden of the payments. The car had been perfectly maintained (I made sure of that), and my broker sold it and I got money back. Find a broker you can trust, but never fully trust your SB.

5. I want my SB to be safe, so I'll frequently do a visual inspection of her car, and every six months or so I'll go with her so my mechanic can do a multi-point inspection. If something needs fixing, I fix it, she fixes it, or I pay a professional to fix it. If your SB isn't maintaining your car, you only have yourself to blame.

6. With the other two SBs who got cars, I eventually had my broker title the cars in their names. None of the SBs ever figured out a lender wasn't involved in the transaction.

7. I always made sure my SB with a car maintained a basic liability car insurance policy. I would never buy a comp policy on a car because I think they're a huge ripoff. (I did insurance defense the first three years I practiced law.) Lenders sometimes require comp coverage as a condition of a loan, but like I said, I never borrow money to buy a SB car.

8. What if a SD can't afford to pay cash for a car? My answer is: Then don't buy a car. If your SB needs a car, haul her to a tote-the-note lot, or use one of the companies on the internet that loan money to high-risk lenders. NEVER CO-SIGN A NOTE. If you do, you'll be on the hook to make the payments although you may not possess or have the right to possess the car.

9. What if a SB injures someone else's person or property and the injured person sues the SD? (Lawyers call this "negligent entrustment of a motor vehicle.") To prove this claim in Texas, the injured person would need to show the SD knew or should have known his SB was unlicensed, incompetent, or reckless. If you know, or with a reasonable inquiry you should have known, that your SB doesn't have a driver's license or is a dangerous driver, then don't give her your car -- buy her a DART pass or a good pair of roller skates instead. Haha. Also bear in mind a car I give my SB to drive or keep is never titled in my name.

10. What if your relationship with your SB sours and she trashes your car? I say, take a deep breath, count to '10,' and move on in life. It's only a car. The idea of suing a SB in small claims court is -- no offense -- absolutely preposterous to me. What would you do -- call your wife as a character witness? Haha. Besides, even if you get a judgment, just try collecting on it from a SB. Did you forget she needed money from you to survive, jughead?
gameloading's Avatar
"The average amount I've given her has been about $490 for about five hours of BCD and approximately seven hours of lunches, movies, museums, shopping, etc. a week. You can do the math and see you can get a lot of bang for the buck by being nice, consistent, and giving raises."

You may want to run the numbers again to include the car.
Skip_8's Avatar
Very good info.

Out of curiosity, where did you meet that blonde Sugar Babe from your New Sugar Babe Videos? They rock and she's a solid fucking 10!!!
ShysterJon's Avatar
"The average amount I've given her has been about $490 for about five hours of BCD and approximately seven hours of lunches, movies, museums, shopping, etc. a week. You can do the math and see you can get a lot of bang for the buck by being nice, consistent, and giving raises."

You may want to run the numbers again to include the car. Originally Posted by gameloading
It's not clear, but I guess you're quoting me in another thread, talking about my SB no. 6. I didn't have to buy her a car. Her dad saved me that expense.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Very good info.

Out of curiosity, where did you meet that blonde Sugar Babe from your New Sugar Babe Videos? They rock and she's a solid fucking 10!!! Originally Posted by Skip_8
Which blonde? There are two. But I met both on btw, the girl in the newer videos is still looking for a SD. I didn't stick with her because she's EXTREMELY unreliable. She sucks dick like nobody's business, though.
Skip_8's Avatar
Which blonde? There are two. But I met both on btw, the girl in the newer videos is still looking for a SD. I didn't stick with her because she's EXTREMELY unreliable. She sucks dick like nobody's business, though. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Yup, I meant the newer blonde. You are right she's got the face, and voice, of angel. Did I hear her that you guys were in Addison, TX at the time?
ShysterJon's Avatar
We were in Addison, but she was also in her own world, pickled by sake and smoked by herbs. Haha. The girl is one of the funniest and sweetest people I've ever met. Too bad her TCB is so poor.
sky_wire's Avatar
We were in Addison, but she was also in her own world, pickled by sake and smoked by herbs. Haha. The girl is one of the funniest and sweetest people I've ever met. Too bad her TCB is so poor. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

In a post you said that you went to Harvard. Were you kidding, or was that really true?
Skip_8's Avatar
It's not clear, but I guess you're quoting me in another thread, talking about my SB no. 6. I didn't have to buy her a car. Her dad saved me that expense. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
You give them $490 a week every week of the month or only the week that you see the sugar babe?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Shyster you probably right on all accounts

BUT the question of the thread "do I need to hire a PI to getting her last name?"

I did the reverse address and even paid $9.95 to find out who lived at the address to no avail
TexTushHog's Avatar
The idea of suing a SB in small claims court is -- no offense -- absolutely preposterous to me. What would you do -- call your wife as a character witness? Haha. Besides, even if you get a judgment, just try collecting on it from a SB. Did you forget she needed money from you to survive, jughead? Originally Posted by ShysterJon
As somebody who makes a living suing people, this is the best advice that you're ever likely to receive.

You can't get blood from a turnip.