Cori Bush's call to defund police rejected 2-1

  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2021, 02:45 PM

America, it turns out, loves the police, and as a result rejects liberal calls in Washington to defund law enforcement.
© Provided by Washington Examiner By a lopsided 2-1 margin, likely voters in a new Rasmussen Reports survey disagreed with anti-police sentiments aired by “Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush who last week said, “Defunding the police has to happen, we need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets.”
Some 63% disagreed and 31% agreed with the defunding call, said Rasmussen.
And by a 57%-33% margin, voters also agree that “new Democrats in Washington attack and degrade all law enforcement officers.”
The survey also revealed the depth of support cops have. It found that 71% rated their police departments as good to excellent.
And on the key question of police being racist, 68% “don’t think most police officers are racist,” according to survey results previewed by Secrets.

Tags: Washington Secrets, Cori Bush, Rasmussen, Polls, Law Enforcement, Congress
Original Author: Paul Bedard
Original Location: Cori Bush's call to defund police rejected 2-1

Let the Squad trumpet their hatred of Police, caucasians, conservatives, and all less radical Communist liberals. Let the Squad screech and howl their hatred.

The more they hate - the better it is for their opponents and America in nov 2022!!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
theys gonna keep covid delta /2.0000 going till at least Nov 2022 for the mail in ballots