Gay forum

The "Other Reviews" section is quickly become the gay review section. Would it be possible to just add a gay section to eccie? I realize that I don't have to click on reviews with "TS" in the title, but why not make it a separate section?
cubsoxbull's Avatar
We don't need another section, I have no problem with various types of reviews that are posted in the other section. If someone want's to post a accurate and good review in this section I applaud them.
I've got no problem with the situation as-is. I know what "TS" stands for, which means I can skip those reviews if I so desire. Besides, as the name of the category would indicate, it's a catch-all for the various kinks that aren't addressed in other sections. I applaud anyone for sharing their experiences, and it's this kind of honesty that makes ECCIE work.
TS providers are NOTORIOUS for being terrible providers, baiting & switching, having terrible attitudes, etc, etc. TS reviews provide valuable information for those who enjoy the company of TS's. I'm glad that TS reviewers have found a home at ECCIE, and I applaud ECCIE for being OPEN-MINDED enough to allow these reviews.

I can only hope that the narrow-minded will learn to NOT CLICK ON A TS REVIEW as it brings them so much mental anguish.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
+1 Chain

BTW, love your sig line - ain't it the truth.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-20-2012, 01:13 PM
The "Other Reviews" section is quickly become the gay review section. Would it be possible to just add a gay section to eccie? I realize that I don't have to click on reviews with "TS" in the title, but why not make it a separate section? Originally Posted by bender1717
I agree with you 100%, Another section for guys into guys is needed! Maybe take a poll?
cubsoxbull's Avatar
I agree with you 100%, Another section for guys into guys is needed! Maybe take a poll? Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I think your missing the point. As an example should there be a separate forum for girls who do doubles that are also into other girls ? I am not into guys, but I know when the title reads TS, if I want to read the review, that's my choice, if I choose not to that's my choice as well.

As I mentioned in my previous post, if a review is done in a professional and accurate way, and it helps someone make a decision on who they might want to see, or not to see, then that is what ECCIE is all about.
Boltfan's Avatar
What about people who like goats? Should there be a separate forum for them?
What about people who like goats? Should there be a separate forum for them? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Your question is superfluous; eccie has very specific rules prohibiting that topic. It has no rules prohibiting same-sex reviews.
motocrossman39's Avatar
What about people who like goats? Should there be a separate forum for them? Originally Posted by Boltfan

Bolt, you crack me up buddy!
chicagoboy's Avatar
What about people who like goats? Should there be a separate forum for them? Originally Posted by Boltfan
I like goats, but I don't lub them.
I agree with the originator. Get another section please.
Still Looking's Avatar
I like goats, but I don't lub them. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Doing a goat dry.... boy I had you pegged wrong! LOL
Personally, I don't care if they right a review because if it say's TS to begin with, I have no reason to read it. Never have, never will. If anyone doesn't like the reviews, you really don't have to read it.
I'm not making a judgement or complaining, I'm just making a suggestion.

We have separate sections for all different variations of sexual services...why not one for gay guys who like TS's?? You TS guys should actually like this idea because having your own section would recognize your kink as a legitimate variation worthy of it's own section...not just "other".