What Biden done for the good of the country

Budman's Avatar
Please enlighten me on what Trump did that was bad for the country and what Biden has done that was good for the country. You may not like Trumps tweets or his orange color or his personality but everything he did was positive for the USA. Biden on the other hand hasn't done one damn thing that is positive for the USA. That is unless you think open borders, high inflation, high gas prices and using the federal government to prosecute you political opponent is a positive.
That is unless you think open borders, high inflation, high gas prices and using the federal government to prosecute your political opponent is a positive. Originally Posted by Budman
Apparently, those on The Left believe these are admirable traits in human behavior.
texassapper's Avatar
LOL.. it's funny that none of the usual lefties have posted a single thing... because they know the truth too.
Budman's Avatar
They are trying to figure out how to spin inflation into a positive.
Ripmany's Avatar
If we had no president,then what would you be better off?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Stay stupid my friends.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I saw it on youtubr, so it must be true
texassapper's Avatar
I saw it on youtubr, so it must be true Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Well you can't say he's not living up to his tag line...
Budman's Avatar
Tell me what you think he has done for the good of the country. I'm not watching a bunch of biased videos from left wingers.
VitaMan's Avatar
It is obvious from your thread title and reply you are not wanting your question answered.

You only want to bash the Biden administration.
If we had no president,then what would you be better off? Originally Posted by Ripmany
I've been saying that. Four years of Trump proved that to me. The Democratic Party is more interested in Convicting Donald Trump than doing their job of running the country.
texassapper's Avatar
Tell me what you think he has done for the good of the country. I'm not watching a bunch of biased videos from left wingers. Originally Posted by Budman
Most of these toadies can't make an articulate argument in their own right so they simply repost garbage that they've been told by other lefties is righteous.

If they had watched them, they'd be able summarize and at least post some bullet points.

The lack of cogent argument is as telling about the accomplishments (or more accurately the lack thereof) of the Biden regime as any.