Damage Control

So us providers know that clients stretch the truth A LOT in their reviews and that's fine, whatever.
However, in case a client puts false info in a review, I think the provider should be allowed to see what the review says.
Maybe not all the providers, just the one who has the review.
We need some form of damage control instead of getting a post on a review deleted.

It's all about customer service. Good service rarely results in complaints.

St. C
  • Blaze
  • 10-18-2013, 10:55 AM
There is a site policy already in place. If a review goes up and the gent writes something that can be seen visibly by all that you feel isn't true, you may post a rebuttal in the coed discussion forum to state your side of the story.

If you were to check out my reviews you will see that I have 1 no. I chose not to get my panties in a wad and refute that review. He and I know how and what took place. Its a long story, but I have plenty of other solid reviews to compensate for the one negative. So screw him without lube!

I completely agree with what St C. said.
"False" is in the eye of the beholder... A review is an opinion.

Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
It's against site rules for guys to share ROS info with ladies except if the provider the review is about requests for the review writer to send her the ROS. Not really sure what happens if he refuses, other than burning that bridge.

Of course you ladies can also sweet talk some guy on here to spill the beans. It's against the rules, but it happens all the time.
We need some form of damage control instead of getting a post on a review deleted.Brittany Originally Posted by Brunette_Baby
From looking over your post history, it looks like you are referring to this review:

Review: Brunette-Baby

where your comment was removed.

The review forums are one of the Men Only areas that ladies are not allowed to comment in.

You are certainly welcome to make a post in your local Coed forum if you wish to comment on it, or perhaps add the additional info in your next ad posting.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
BB... it is a Catch 22 in a way...

If you find out what was in the ROS, then someone violated the rules in telling you. Some guys think it is right to tell providers what is said, but that breaks the purpose of the private portion of the review! A provider doesn't want what is written in Infoshare or the Powder Room to be revealed. ROS is the same way.

I agree with Blaze... sometimes, when you hear things, you have to chalk it up to experience. Also, there will be a lot of guys who know you who will step in if they think a guy's review is bogus! Guys have a good fell for things like that.

If you lose a guy because of a negative comment in one review, then you do not want that guy anyway... because he didn't do much research, did he?

St C is right... it is all about customer service... if it is top notch, then so is your reputation!


Fletchlives's Avatar
I think it goes to the old saying about pleasing all of the people all of the time. Virtually impossible. One of my faves recently got her first no review. I can't imagine a guy not enjoying her but hey to each their own. If you provide a high level of service you should have nothing to worry about.
Dont sweat it like fletch said u cant please everybody.

And hey one mans turn off can be another mans pleasure
It's all about customer service. Good service rarely results in complaints.

St. C Originally Posted by St. C
Not in this area. Some people post reviews that are pure fantasy.
What? You mean to tell me that the guys writing reviews lie and make stuff up? I am shocked. Oh the horror!
Aren't all reviews nothing more than fantasy?
It's against site rules for guys to share ROS info with ladies except if the provider the review is about requests for the review writer to send her the ROS... Originally Posted by zx10
BB... it is a Catch 22 in a way...

If you find out what was in the ROS, then someone violated the rules in telling you. Some guys think it is right to tell providers what is said, but that breaks the purpose of the private portion of the review... Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
So, I am a little bit confused. A client writes a review on me, he is allowed to share it with me in its entirety...is that correct?
universalenergy's Avatar
So, I am a little bit confused. A client writes a review on me, he is allowed to share it with me in its entirety...is that correct? Originally Posted by Lady Elizabeth
Yes. Originally Posted by universalenergy
Thank you very much