Providers !! Do U Care To Show yr STI/STD Results

Ladies! if a Gent has his results and wants to see yr recent results would you mind ?? Cuz that would not only make the session more fun but also comforting.
Not interested....treat every single client as if they DO have an STD and you will be just fine.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Not interested....treat every single client as if they DO have an STD and you will be just fine. Originally Posted by alaine
Right, wtf?
milfy2002's Avatar

Mine are sitting right on the dresser, you can literally see them without having to ask.

GingerKatt's Avatar

Mine are sitting right on the dresser, you can literally see them without having to ask.

Originally Posted by milfy2002

But the results are no longer valid and current after the very first encounter you have after the test. Do you get tested after each and every client leaves!?
And did the gentleman stop at the clinic to get tested on his way to see you? Otherwise how on earth would that make the session more "fun and comforting"?
milfy2002's Avatar

But the results are no longer valid and current after the very first encounter you have after the test. Do you get tested after each and every client leaves!?
And did the gentleman stop at the clinic to get tested on his way to see you? Otherwise how on earth would that make the session more "fun and comforting"? Originally Posted by GingerKatt

It's comforting to know that a person tests every couple of months because it shows they care and are generally responsible and on top of any issues should they arise.

As far as being null after the first encounter afterwards, hard working responsible gentlemen don't just go about their lives with raging cases of untreated STDs...if something is wrong with their equipment they are going to seek treatment, not a sexual encounter!

Unless you do covered everything (I'm taking latex gloves and dental dams) you should really be getting tested quarterly to as often as weekly as a sex worker.

GingerKatt's Avatar
Many, many STD's can show no symptoms or very mild symptoms for a very long time. STD's are rarely "raging" right off the bat. But it's important to know that they could be causing damage inside your body and you can be unaware.
And yes of course, anyone in the hobby, male and female, should be tested about every 3 months. And whenever you're symptomatic. But it just does no good to see a piece of paper unless no activity had taken place since the test. It's like showing a bank statement from 2 months ago to prove how wealthy I am, when I've been making withdrawals almost daily since.
milfy2002's Avatar
Many, many STD's can show no symptoms or very mild symptoms for a very long time. STD's are rarely "raging" right off the bat. But it's important to know that they could be causing damage inside your body and you can be unaware.
And yes of course, anyone in the hobby, male and female, should be tested about every 3 months. Aend whenever you're symptomatic. But it just does no good to see a piece of paper unless no activity had taken place since the test. It's like showing a bank statement from 2 months ago to prove how wealthy I am, when I've been making withdrawals almost daily since. Originally Posted by GingerKatt

Those are all very valid and well thought through points.

I think it boils down to how much risk you're willing to assume and what you accept as proof that you are making some sort of rational effort to minimize it.

ManSlut's Avatar
Not interested....treat every single client as if they DO have an STD and you will be just fine. Originally Posted by alaine
This makes no sense to me except that you're cool with seeing clients with STD's...I know that's not what you meant, but, that's how it reads.

Right, wtf? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Lol (made me chuckle)


But the results are no longer valid and current after the very first encounter you have after the test. Do you get tested after each and every client leaves!?
And did the gentleman stop at the clinic to get tested on his way to see you? Otherwise how on earth would that make the session more "fun and comforting"? Originally Posted by GingerKatt
You're wasting your breath with the Cum Dumpster, she's all about safety...smh...Funny though, a few weeks ago in a thread she said she tests every 3 months, now she states every two months...Hmmm

I wonder how much business the Cum Dumpster would get if she didn't offer BBFS, Creampies, and GangBang BBFS? I'm guessing not much.
ManSlut's Avatar

Those are all very valid and well thought through points.

I think it boils down to how much risk you're willing to assume and what you accept as proof that you are making some sort of rational effort to minimize it.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
You're not minimizing anything Dumbass, you're maximizing it, increasing the odds that one day you'll say, "Oops"....When a test eventually comes up positive, then what? Do you say, "Good thing I tested every 2-3 months!"...Your fucking logic is retarded...Again, I bet you would get little business if you didn't offer the BBFServices you offer.
milfy2002's Avatar

What's up with all the name calling?

And every quarter is three months, "dumbass".

That whole "test results" bs cracks me up. Its one thing to have a guy try and sell that story to a provider, but it's a whole other beast (no offense) to have a provider use that to sell herself.

I've always figured the "test results" bunch just printed some bullshit off on their own computer. Who's dumb enough to really believe that showing "test results" offers you any added protection whatsoever?

And medical records have your legal name on it. Is your legal name displayed on your dresser too?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-17-2016, 05:10 AM
Ladies! if a Gent has his results and wants to see yr recent results would you mind ?? Cuz that would not only make the session more fun but also comforting. Originally Posted by SimplyA
I understand the more comforting part of the question. Even with protected sex I would feel better knowing that at least 2 weeks ago the person I'm with did not have anything.

I assume by "more fun" you mean engaging in unprotected sex. In the hobby world where providers and clients are seeing multiple partners daily, weekly, or once a month, a two week old piece of paper means very little. I won't say it means nothing but a lot can happen in a short amount of time that those test results won't show.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Like THN mentioned, your test results have your real name on them. So, to PROVE that they are your test results, you really would have to show a picture ID along with the paper. Like a driver's license or passport. Otherwise, the name on the results could be a relative or friend of yours. So any provider or hobbyist who wants to share medical records has to be cool with having no anonymity. It can also take up to 6 mths for a test to show up as positive after exposure. So no, a negative test result is not comforting. Especially if the person has been hobbying after the test.
And WHAT is covered in this test? There are SO many diseases, not just the biggies. Chylmidia, yeast, UTI, herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV. Unprotected sex can also lead to a sharply increased risk of cervical and ovarian cancer in women, as well as painful pelvic inflammatory disease, which can be a precursor to cancer and affect fertility; and epididymitis in men, which is very painful and can lead to testicular cancer. Most STD testing is not that comprehensive.
The bottom line is we're responsible for our own health, no one else is and it's not our business how someone else takes care of their health. We're adults and we make our own decisions.
And ManSlut, it's really not cool to bash Milfy, if you don't agree with her don't see her, but why be mean? The way she conducts her business really doesn't have anything to do with you, right? If you DO want to see her, just bring a condom.
The thing about HIV, too, is that it is most contagious during that 3-6month period before it shows up on STD panel testing.

So there you are, unknowingly exposing whoever you're having sex with to your hidden HIV for a number of months during the most susceptible period of transmission.

How sexy is that?