Pat Buchanan says God is on Vlad's side

The whackadoo love fest for Vlad continues....

Russia is remaking itself as the leader of the anti-Western world," says author Masha Gessen, who has written a book on Russian President Vladimir Putin. "But the war to be waged is not with rockets," writes conservative columnist Pat Buchanan. "It is a cultural, social, moral war where Russia's role, in Putin's words, is to 'prevent movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.'"

Buchanan says he was "startled to read" recently that among the World Council of Families' "'ten best trends' in the world in 2013, number one was 'Russia Emerges as Pro-Family Leader.'"

"While the other super-powers march to a pagan world-view," Buchanan quotes the WCF's Allan Carlson, "Russia is defending Judeo-Christian values. During the Soviet era, Western communists flocked to Moscow. This year, World Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow, Sept. 10-12."

"Will Vladimir Putin give the keynote?" asks Buchanan.

It is a stunning possibility. The West, says Buchanan, has capitulated to "a sexual revolution of easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide — the displacement of Christian values by Hollywood values."

"In the new ideological Cold War," he asks, "whose side is God on now?"

But how much of the decadent "West" which Buchanan well describes actually defines America? Does it, for example, accurately describe the South, Texas, the Lutheran Midwest, Mormon Utah and the Southwest? Vast sweeps would identify with the World Council of Families and shockingly, with Putin and with Christian Russia. Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has recently said as much.

Buchanan's decadent West suggests instead an evolved and expanded state of Henry James's novel The Bostonians more than 120 years on now, and the "plain living and high thinking" Miss Birdseye, who James describes as "a confused, entangled, inconsequent, discursive old woman," and the historical archetype of "Boston reformers consisting of woman's rights people, mesmerists, spirituality, utopians and faded abolitionists," as described in C. Vann Woodward's classic study of the Gilded Age in The Burden of Southern History.

They came to dominance here, there and everywhere, early on under William Lloyd Garrison's anthem "Our country is the world. Our countrymen all of mankind." They dominate still, an archaic residue of the northern military victory of the 1860s.
The northeastern families and their law schools and parlors still vastly influence culture and political temperament. They still bring their families even in triplicate to presidential races and incomprehensibly, supply the legal education of virtually every Supreme Court justice on the Supreme Court even today. Virginia, Duke, Michigan, Texas and Vanderbilt are still not good enough after all this time?

What if the country people today, the Baptists in the South, the Methodists in Texas, the Presbyterians, evangelicals and fundamentalists in the hills of Billy Graham's Appalachia, simply turned away from New England dominance and tradition? Turned instead to an older tradition and an external leader like Putin to find a better path?
Jefferson, Washington and Franklin did as much when they turned to the French to defend against an actual blood relative who had suddenly become an annoyance. But possibly an American contender in 2016 — Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) — would do just as well as Putin.

The politicians, from former secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), are still stuck in "Munich" since the invasion of Crimea. So is Wall Street. But Russia could shake the world again. And Putin's Christian Russia will play differently in Dillon, Texas, today where they baptize in the river and watch high school football on Friday nights, than it will in Miss Birdseye's antiquated, antipodal Boston salon.
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You gotta admit the liberals have radically fucked the country up when people look to a Russian madman to save us from ourselves....
You gotta admit the liberals have radically fucked the country up when Far Right Wing Idiot's look to a Russian madman to save us from ourselves.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Fixed it for you, once again!
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  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 10:22 AM
if Buchanan and Gohmert could team up they could cast evil biblical spells on people and save the world
Having just gotten a divorce and grabbed a younger hottie, Putin is a bulwark of family values.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 10:48 AM

Pat needs God worse than Putin
You gotta admit the liberals have radically fucked the country up when people look to a Russian madman to save us from ourselves.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The "people" aren't looking to Vlad. That would be you and the rest of the whackadoodledoos.
Yeh, ole Vlad is probably looking at history, and seeing the iron grip that "organized religions" such as the Catholic Church have had on their followers, and is thinking, "these guys are on to something".

Convincing the masses that you have the power of Heaven or Hell over them is pretty daunting.

The most Vlad can hope for is the power to "put you against the wall". The Catholic Church would have it's followers believe that they can damn you for eternity.

That's power.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Putin is a former KGB OFFICER... a COMMUNIST

and these fucking Americans act like he has some love for them... nothing in Putins heart and soul loves Americans ... that communist motherfucker would love to shove communism up America's ass and rule this country
Putin is a former KGB OFFICER... a COMMUNIST

and these fucking Americans act like he has some love for them... nothing in Putins heart and soul loves Americans ... that communist motherfucker would love to shove communism up America's ass and rule this country Originally Posted by CJ7
Their minds are warped by's like some sort of neurological disorder that they have no control over.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Putin is a former KGB OFFICER... a COMMUNIST

and these fucking Americans act like he has some love for them... nothing in Putins heart and soul loves Americans ... that communist motherfucker would love to shove communism up America's ass and rule this country Originally Posted by CJ7
The Soviets very successfully have already shoved communism up our asses with the help of their liberal fellow travelers...
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  • CJ7
  • 04-08-2014, 12:51 PM
The Soviets very successfully have already shoved communism up our asses with the help of their liberal fellow travelers... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

apparently so, there's plenty of American traitors on this very board
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
apparently so, there's plenty of American traitors on this very board Originally Posted by CJ7
Liberal definition of a traitor: Someone they don't like!
Putin is a former KGB OFFICER... a COMMUNIST Originally Posted by CJ7
I doubt Putin is much of anything. He just wants to be in charge of what ever is

The kind of government he probably would favor is a "Thugocracy", much like Stalin presided over, or perhaps like Saddam had going in Iraq. A rubber stamp Parliment and Judiciary that would dare not say anything against the man in charge, lest they end up in the gulag, or the graveyard.
The Soviets very successfully have already shoved communism up our asses with the help of their liberal fellow travelers... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Looks like you have bought into it. right comrade?