FBI may have flipped Flynn... here we go...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are reports swirling around that the FBI may have flipped Flynn and is intensifying its investigation into Twitler's criminal enterprise, errr, administration.

Russiagate is blowing up, and we knew it all along.

But did you God fearing Amerikkkan patriots pay heed to the warnings? NOOOO? You pulled on those brown shirts and goose stepped behind the Bannon train.

Give us something better than this. The real fun starts when the AG Sessions has the bracelets slapped on Odummie.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I hope they flip...one domino will drop soon
I hope they flip...one domino will drop soon Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yes Yes, soon. We will be hearing that for the next 4 years.
lustylad's Avatar
There are reports swirling around that the FBI may have flipped Flynn... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where's your link, oinkboy?

Either you're indulging in wishful thinking and making it up (again) or you're afraid to post a link because it's from one of your laughable left-wing whacko garbage fake news sources.

Either way, you're full of shit! All of your faux threads deserve to be IGNORED!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The real fun starts when the AG Sessions has the bracelets slapped on Odummie. Originally Posted by canuckeight

The very date that occurs, Congress should declare it a National Holiday and the people can hold parades and such...just like MLK Day.
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  • 03-26-2017, 04:41 PM
The very date that occurs, Congress should declare it a National Holiday and the people can hold parades and such...just like MLK Day. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You do realize that that is never going to happen?

  • DSK
  • 03-26-2017, 04:57 PM

Read the feed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fuck you you racist [prohibited word] lover.
There are reports swirling around that the FBI may have flipped Flynn and is intensifying its investigation into Twitler's criminal enterprise, errr, administration.

Russiagate is blowing up, and we knew it all along. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't know where you are getting your "facts" BUT...

There is nothing to "flip".

What Flynn did originally - talking to a Russian diplomat as a private citizen - is NOT a crime.

For whatever reason, Flynn did not admit that when questioned about his conversations with Russian diplomats. It was the LIE to the Vice President that got him fired.

You know what they say, the coverup is worse than the crime. Like an idiot, he covered up something that wasn't even a crime.

So what is the FBI going to flip, exactly? Is Flynn even facing charges at this point? For what?

And, in case you have not been watching, all of the Democrats allegations - more like fervent prayers - are turning out to be hot air.

Democratic party insiders are quietly telling Democratic officials to be prepared for there to be nothing to the Russian election fixing stories.

Any "fake news" stories that Putin may have planted appeared to have had no effect. The Russkies were preaching to the choir. Folks had made up their minds about Hillary before Trump even won the GOP nomination.
lustylad's Avatar

Read the feed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hahahaha... did I call that one, or what? You got this "scoop" from the Daily Kos, a commie-leftist subversive site linked to George Soros! Very credible!

To make matters worse, the headline asks "Is It Possible That Flynn Makes or Has Made a Deal With the FBI?" That's called speculation, oinkboy! But you take it, put a bow on it and spam everyone by launching a thread about it!

Why am I not surprised?

Even your Daily Kos author admits it is a scurrilous rumor:

“Can someone who is a lot smarter than me talk me down from the excitement or do I have a legitimate reason to be smiling from ear to ear? Or am I just imagining things as this story get weirder and scarier by the day, hour, and minute it seems.”

At least we know one thing – your source can't be talking to you, asswipe, since you're about as smart as a doorknob!

WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-26-2017, 05:17 PM

Any "fake news" stories that Putin may have planted appeared to have had no effect. The Russkies were preaching to the choir. Folks had made up their minds about Hillary before Trump even won the GOP nomination. Originally Posted by Revenant
You no more can prove that than the other side can prove that it did effect the election.

Both those are unprovable beliefs...
You no more can prove that than the other side can prove that it did effect the election.

Both those are unprovable beliefs... Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, it CAN be proved. Looks at the polls from before - long before - Trump was even close to getting the nomination.

The hardcore anti-Hillary, anti-Obama GOP cohort was NEVER going to vote for Hillary. Neither was the Bernie base.

The hacked e-mails only reinforced everything they already believed. And the e-mails are TRUE. Not even "fake news".

This past election was sealed as soon as the Democrats decide to have a coronation for "she who is inevitable".

Obama lost over a thousand offices at state and local level in 8 years. The Dems are hollowed out. If the GOP had nominated any of their other candidates, she would have lost even bigger. It was only as close as it was because Trump is an abrasive asshole.
why is it liberals always misstate the facts?

they aren't precise

its exasperating

trump did not ask the Russians to hack Hillary

she was already hacked, the hack of podesta and the dnc had already occurred; it was widely acknowledged

he jokingly said maybe they can find the 33,000 missing emails, emails she had scrubbed (like with a clothe?) so no one could retrieve them

just as sessions did not lie under oath, that's such a stupid claim

just like trump never said obama "ordered" the wiretapping (surveillance) of his campaign.....he never said ordered

all this imprecision is merely to improve their stories, now that's where the lies lay
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another unfounded generalization...

There is nothing honest about this administration, and even less intelligent.

Twitler has spouted hundreds of lies in his first two months and his surrogates have been exhaustively scurrying about to interpret them to a nation that grows more impatient by the day.

The RWWorld would be better served demanding accountability than offering excuse after excuse for this dangerous p, potentially catastrophic behavior.

Yes, he's fucked up. and we're catching his cooties.