Eyes Open Or Closed?

JohnMacnab's Avatar
Generally there are two types.

Providers who keep their eyes closed the whole time or nearly the whole time. Makes you wonder what they are thinking about while you are engaged with them. Laundry list, shopping list, composing their next advertisement. What I am thinking when this is happening is that I can get this type of action from my wife.

And then there are the ones who keep their eyes open and actually show some expression and are connected to the session. There is usually some verbalization as well. These sessions usually have some back and forth feedback. It really makes a big differencs in the enjoyment level.
Naomi4u's Avatar
John, Now you and I both know they're thinking about that RENT! Yup I said it they're thinking about bills! I know a lot of providers that go grocery shopping or shopping for a big ticket item thinking to themselves "That's just two clients.", "3 clients and I can get this flat screen DAYUM!"

Ok not really... no.. maybe...

I always kept my eyes open and that's just because I like knowing what he's thinking. A smile usually means .. he likes it .
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And some are watching Price is Right on the tube! Well, she was right before I got dressed and walked out. Or the ones that look like they are counting the ceiling tiles, or the ones that have that "2 mile stare" and never utter a sound....

They don't have to close their eyes to be uninvolved.
  • Paven
  • 05-27-2011, 04:29 PM
I'm an eye contact person myself. Who has the tv on during a session? That is just plain rude!
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Do some just not realize how sexy eye contact can be ? Or do alot just not give a damn ?
Naomi4u's Avatar
CG, some realize how sexy it is and but the majority don't give a damn.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
I'm an eye contact person myself. Who has the tv on during a session? That is just plain rude! Originally Posted by Paven

LOL .... the tv muffles some of my screams !!!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I'm an eye contact person myself. Who has the tv on during a session? That is just plain rude! Originally Posted by Paven
I love eye contact. Some girls watch as I do DATY and I like that. Even one very young girl who evaded eye contact otherwise, I looked up and she was watching me. When I first met one of my ATFs she had the Simpsons on and I just couldn't concentrate so we turned it off. Homer and Marge just don't make things to romantic. She is also big on eye contact.
  • Paven
  • 05-27-2011, 06:30 PM
I have music on but then again I am a private dancer hehe. I love making eye contact during my dances and while I'm between his legs taking him to horizons unknown.
LOL .... the tv muffles some of my screams !!! Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
This could come in handy
I need that eye contact. Cliche as it may be, but the eyes are the window to the soul. Close your eyes to me, and you might as well lock your knees together because I'm no longer interested.

If I want a dispassionate experience, I'll sleep with my wife.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
This could come in handy Originally Posted by LAVixian
......... it cuts down on questions from the hotel staff ,, LMAO
... wanna make me scream? he he he !!!
......... it cuts down on questions from the hotel staff ,, LMAO
... wanna make me scream? he he he !!! Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
I am an eyes open kind of girl. I love watching all aspects of our encounter.

Most guys are ok with this, but some it makes totally nervous. When I notice that, then I do close my eyes.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 05-28-2011, 07:15 AM
Generally there are two types.

Providers who keep their eyes closed the whole time or nearly the whole time. Makes you wonder what they are thinking about while you are engaged with them. Laundry list, shopping list, composing their next advertisement. What I am thinking when this is happening is that I can get this type of action from my wife. Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
Your wife gives it up?