Being friends after....

I know there was a post about falling in love with a provider/client...But what about being friends with a provider or gentlemen after an encounter or multiple encounters? I have several I keep in touch with via phone (when he is single or divorced etc) or email but what about being friends off the clock so to speak? Hanging out,meeting for lunch etc....I think I know what the general response will be but what the hell why not ask.....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That never works and I think everyone knows it.

You broke up with that person for a reason. Maybe multiple reasons.

Sometimes it's dishonesty, sometimes it's cruelty or thoughtlessness, but whatever it was, . . .

. . . why would you want a dishonest, cruel or thoughtless or whatever caused the break-up, type of person to be your friend?

(Editors Note: Maybe I am answering a different question than the one that was asked, but only because it happened to me recently, if so, skip over and we'll bring this conversation up at the next appropriate time if we can't expand the topic now).
Very good question.... I am single, and I have a few providers that I hang out with outside the hobby.... Me and these ladies just have sum of the same interests and it is Kool... BUT WE ALWAYS ESTABLISH IF IT IS GOING TO BE BUSINESS OR NOT...

My .02 cents. Oh shit my .10 cents because of gas prices
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I have several I talk to regularly on the phone and by email or text but never for lunch ( my not in public applies here lol)
No FG you misunderstood I wasn't talking about an ex lover I am talking a gentleman who has seen a female as a provider
That never works and I think everyone knows it.

You broke up with that person for a reason. Maybe multiple reasons.

Sometimes it's dishonesty, sometimes it's cruelty or thoughtlessness, but whatever it was, . . .

. . . why would you want a dishonest, cruel or thoughtless or whatever caused the break-up, type of person to be your friend? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
that is so cool that you can do that.....
Very good question.... I am single, and I have a few providers that I hang out with outside the hobby.... Me and these ladies just have sum of the same interests and it is Kool... BUT WE ALWAYS ESTABLISH IF IT IS GOING TO BE BUSINESS OR NOT...

My .02 cents. Oh shit my .10 cents because of gas prices Originally Posted by Redd Rozay
I have met sum really Kool providers!!! I have also met providers that I will always keep it strictly business.... But we are still human and I do approach that with caution!!
burkalini's Avatar
I know a provider here in Omaha that I consider her a friend. She calls me now and again just to talk. We havn't seen each other in a session in quite awhile. She is just a nice person
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I think the problem is that too many ladies use the OTC thing as a marketing scheme and end up leading the guy on. I saw ONE of my clients off the the clock only because I enjoyed his company and I continue to see him till this day. We're both single so we call each other whenever, we go out to dinner, lunch, play xbox ...etc. I treat him just like I treat any other friend so yes it could work.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There are at least a half dozen ladies that talk/txt with weekly. And several others monthly. Local ones we go to lunch and talk shop regularly. Some out of town ladies, I enjoy talking with on the phone regularly.
  • npita
  • 05-28-2011, 10:13 PM
My best friend for more than three years is a provider. Although I did not ever have an encounter with her, we met because of an encounter I had with a provider who shared her incall. Explaining it would take too long, but the short version is that the provider I was seeing at the incall they shared caused a few problems and in straightening things out, she and I became friends. We probably talk to each other on the phone at leat 3-5 days every week and meet for lunch or dinner every so often. My fiancee thinks the world of her because she's been such a good friend to me. I really couldn't ask for a better friend than she has been.
There are at least a half dozen ladies that talk/txt with weekly. And several others monthly. Local ones we go to lunch and talk shop regularly. Some out of town ladies, I enjoy talking with on the phone regularly. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'm the same way. I typically see only a very (select) few ladies but usually numerous times. Sometimes we have lunch, drinks, dinner and sometimes we have BCD time. There are several ladies on the board I correspond with frequently even though I know I will probably never see them...that's just being friendly.

And there are those who make it known that this type of thing is not appreciated so I wouldn't dream of intruding on their space.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It's all in how you communicate. People make things too hard. Many people develop friendships after doing business with each other. Why would it bd any different in the hobby world. If one or the other had ulterior motives for wanting to be friends then it really isn't a friendship in the first place so treat them as you would any other person trying to manipulate you.

I have a few ladies I'm friends with that are providers and every one of them will tell you that I've never tried to take advantage of the fact that they are providers.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Friends, absolutely!
I'm selective with whom I meet and it takes a special man to have a special place in my life as a friend. I've been blessed to meet & call many gents I've met in this hobby my friends. Not all, but many.
I don't view men as clients *i despise that word*. I view men as men, as souls worth knowing and some are worth knowing more. Regardless of where & how you met.

I'll never forget the wonderful man I met many years ago (in the hobby) who's now my best friend. He showed up in his uniform on a very special day for me (non hobby) and he made me proud to know him and call him my friend. As did the other *friend* who also showed up on that special day.

We're all adults. No matter whom you've met in this hobby and no matter the friends you've gained along the way. We as adults know the boundaries. If you respect each other. You can have some wonderful friendships that'll last a lifetime. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Only a fool dismisses friendship.

I know there was a post about falling in love with a provider/client...But what about being friends with a provider or gentlemen after an encounter or multiple encounters? I have several I keep in touch with via phone (when he is single or divorced etc) or email but what about being friends off the clock so to speak? Hanging out,meeting for lunch etc....I think I know what the general response will be but what the hell why not ask..... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
pickupkid's Avatar
I think it is ok for the client to call the provider , but not the provider to call the client....ding ' SO'....ding. the provider might get an earful from the SO.