confused by names???

We all use hobby names and I realized yesterday that sometimes my personal phone will ring and someone will say Hey ****** and I have to stop think for a minute...Or when I answer my hobby phone I will answer Hi this is Riley and when my personal cell rings I have to stop myself sometimes...I thought wow I forgot my own name....just a random thought...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im bad about trying to log into my bank accounts etc with sweet n little lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
lmao @ snl
  • npita
  • 05-28-2011, 10:23 PM
For some reason, almost every provider I saw told me her real name, so I guess that problem didn't really come up.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
LOL .... i've been pj for so long, it's become natural.
Still Looking's Avatar
I've NEVER once asnswered the phone "STILL LOOKING"
ICU 812's Avatar
Put a small sticky label on each phone with the correct name for that phone. Maybe there is some techie way to make it come up on the screen . . .