12 days of Christmas

A very smart lady suggested that, in honor of the 12 days of Christmas, I should post 12 reviews between now and the 25th in an attempt to make the Top Reviewers List on the Home page.

Anyone else think this is a good idea?

GumpTownGuy10's Avatar
Great idea! Everyone should be spreading the holiday cheer.
Best idea ever!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hell, Pipe, that shouldn't even be a challenge for you - 12 reviews in 18 days? Piece of cake!

DallasRain's Avatar
awesome idea! have fun sweety!!

Well, it ain't gonna happen........ I only had one appointment last week and maybe none this week due to Christmas traveling..... and it looks like Still Looking is on a roll and I can't catch him.

I have no doubt you'll make that list. Like you already mentioned if you reviewed everyone you seen you would have been on it long ago. Cuddos to the girl that gets reviewed that make you on the list. I'm sure it will be another awsome review. Happy Holidays Pipefitter. Love the pic with Santa all worn out..lol.
Love the pic with Santa all worn out..lol. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Yes, I thought the picture of Santa was appropriate.

Rabbit, it's hard to get used to you without your other avatar. I finally decided to change mine.
Yeah I thought it was time for a change. Yours does look awsome.