a very expensive "provider"


this guy went "over the top" in paying for pussy.

what do you think?
Fury patches!
never date a stripper
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
from skimming it, yes he did. he was also paying for privacy.

sounds like he tango'd with the wrong SC GPS. of course it's just one story but sure seems like someone saw dollar signs. did I miss where it said where the girl was from? was she still being trafficed at 36? give me a break. especially if she had the dough he handed over. seems many ways that story could spin and with his resources to be stuck on some dallas sc girl? the whole story isn't there is my guess
the club was dallas
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
the club was dallas Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
not as in where she was at or actual location, where she was from to be trafficed from I meant. (I mentioned dallas haha)

my bad if the question wasn't clear.

hmmm, guess she could have been from dallas regardless? when I read trafficed I think from somewhere far away
she was prolly trafficked from East Texas.....by an uncle.
Stevie_guy's Avatar
Now, I feel so lucky that I'm not rich
The most that bitch could get from me is 300/hr