Too many lost

I just found out about the passing of another great lady. I saw her 4 times a week since February. I suspected she had passed as she always reached out to me early in the morning. She will be missed. Does anyone think that without this hobby the dark side of addiction would decrease? I don’t believe it would stop if the hobby stopped but the 2 do run hand in hand. Feel free to comment
valkyra's Avatar
Drugs and sex work do not technically run hand in hand. There are sex workers who use drugs, but one is not required in order to do the other. There are many sex workers I've met, from my few years as a provider, who don't use drugs and who go out of the way to take incredible care of themselves.

I was a drug user before I was a sex worker.
As a sex worker, I no longer use drugs.
The two are not correlated in my life. But my situation is one of many and may not be common.
I used to preach that girls should get clean so they can become better providers, but at the end of the day a lot of women turn to this as a way of fueling their addiction(s, whatever they may be). And then their friends take advantage of them and the money they make... it's a cycle that I'm becoming acclimated to seeing. It's terrible, but you really can't do anything to stop it.

It isn't up to me, or you, or anyone else to judge how another woman should operate her business at the end of the day. I do hope that the girls who need help get it, but they have to want to get clean for themselves. You can't "wish" someone clean off of drugs. And oftentimes well-intentioners will reach out to "help" but if the help isn't wanted the girls will push it away. Such is the disease of addiction.

To answer your question though, drugs would 100% exist without the sex workers. Trust me.